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A user-friendly editor/browser with a powerful search engine enables a comfortable human navigation in the data. The visualization captures all the different annotations in a transparent and intelligible way.

Project page


Non-interactive scriptable version of the tree editor TrEd. Very useful for automatic data processing.

Manual page

PML Tree Query

PML Tree Query (PML-TQ) is a query language and search engine that targets querying multi-layer annotated treebanks stored in the PML data format.

Project page


Treex (formerly named TectoMT) is a highly modular, multi-purpose, multi-lingual, easily extendable Natural Language Processing framework. PCEDT 2.0 is using Treex for visualisation and data format.

Project page on CPAN


XSH is a powerful command-line tool for querying, processing and editing of XML documents. It is an interesting alternative to btred.

Project page