Ondřej Plátek

Main Research Interests

Natural Language Generation and Speech Synthesis Evaluation. Spoken Dialogue evaluation.

Methods for NLG, TTS, dialogue modeling, and their evaluation.

Especially: Factual NLG, evaluating semantic accuracy, uncertainty in automatic metrics, and correlating automatic metrics with human annotations.

Ph.D. thesis topic “Evaluation metrics for NLG and TTS in task-oriented dialogue”


Evaluation of conversational speech synthesis GAUK PI

Next Generation Natural Language Generation (ng-nlg) researcher


VYSTADIAL Development of statistical methods for spoken dialogue systems researcher

Curriculum Vitae

  • since 2021: PhD student at the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University in Prague
  • 2014: Mgr. in Theoretical Computer Science, Charles University in Prague
    Master's Thesis on Speech recognition using Kaldi (pdf)

Selected Bibliography

All of my publications and talks can be found in biblio

Semantic Scholar ID: 2933340

Personal webpage: opla.cz