12.2. Functor for apposition (APPS)

The definition of the APPS functor

The APPS (apposition) functor is assigned to the root nodes of such paratactic structures in which two or more propositions (modifications) are in apposition.

!!! Further distinctions, as to the kind of the apposition, are not made.

Basic connectives. Most often, the connection is asyndetic with appositions. The following punctuation marks are used:

comma (t_lemma=#Comma) Božena Němcová, autorka Babičky (=BN, the author of Babička)
colon (t_lemma=#Colon) Morová rána: Skuhravý zraněn. (=Catastrophe: S. injured)
slash (t_lemma=#Slash) Labe/Elbe.
dash (t_lemma=#Dash) Tomu odpovídala cílová místa - Kypr, Kréta, Malta. (=This was reflected by the destinations - Cyprus, Crete, Malta)
bracket (t_lemma=#Bracket) ODS (Občanská demokratická strana)

NB! In case the brackets contain an abbreviation, or the full name if the abbreviation precedes the brackets, the content of the brackets is not analyzed as parenthesis but as apposition. See also Section 19.2, "Text in brackets and within dashes".

Apposition can also be expressed by some coordinating conjunctions:

a Šampiónka z Anglie a třetí nasazená hráčka opět ukázala, co umí. (=The champion from England and the one seeded third showed again what's in her)
aneb Hobit aneb Cesta tam a zase zpátky (=The Hobbit or there and back again)
či paviáni, či africké opice (=baboons, or African monkeys)
čili paviáni, čili africké opice (=baboons, or African monkeys)
jako moravská města jako Brno a Olomouc (=Moravian towns like Brno and Olomouc)
jinak slečna Sollárová, jinak slovenská malířka (=Miss S., the Slovak painter)
neboli jeden rok, neboli dva semestry (=one year, or two semesters)
totiž Peníze získáváme z různých zdrojů, totiž od vlády nebo od sponzorů. (=We get money from different sources, namely from the government or sponsors)

Apart from these common connectives, apposition can also be expressed by some other expressions:

alias Olda alias Šemík vystoupil na Vyšehrad z vrtulníku. (=Olda alias Šemík got to Vyšehrad in the helicopter)
a to Ve zdravotnictví přidávali, a to lékařům. (=They got a pay rise, namely the doctors did)
de facto funkce hlavního lékaře, de facto ministra zdravotnictví (=The function of the chief doctor, in fact the Minister of Health)
to jest (or tj.) Právo je souhrnem norem, tj. předpisů, zákazů a sankcí. (=Law is a collection of norms, i.e. regulations, prohibitions and sanctions)
to znamená (or tzn.) půdní režim, to znamená půdní vláha (=soil environment, i.e. soil humidity)

For more on appositions with a to see Section, "Apposition with an additional modification (connected by means of "a to", "a sice")".


Právo je souhrnem norem, to jest.APPS předpisů, zákazů a sankcí. (=Law is a collection of norms, i.e. regulations, prohibitions and sanctions) Fig. 7.72

Conjunction modifiers. Also with appositions, conjunction modifiers are often used (see Section 16.1.2, "Conjunction modifiers"). Typical conjunction modifiers cooccuring with the APPS functor are:

Figure 7.72. The APPS functor

The APPS functor

Právo je souhrnem norem, to jest předpisů, zákazů a sankcí. (=lit. Law is collection (of) norms, id est regulations, bans and sanctions)

12.2.1. Borderline cases with the APPS functor

Border with the CONJ functor. The APPS functor is semantically very close to the CONJ functor. In both cases, the propositions (modifications) are simply conjoined; with the CONJ functor, the referents of the two members are not the same whereas with appositions they are. Cf.:

  • Učíme se o českých panovnících, [#Comma.CONJ] o Divišovi a Křižíkovi. (=We are learning about Czech monarchs, D. and K.)

  • Učíme se o českých panovnících, [#Comma.APPS] o Václavovi a Karlovi. (=We are learning about the Czech monarchs, V. and K.)

  • Šampiónka z Anglie a.APPS třetí nasazená hráčka opět ukázala, co umí. (=The champion from England and the one seeded third showed again what's in her)

  • Šampiónka z Anglie a.CONJ třetí nasazená hráčka opět ukázaly, co umějí. (=The champion from England and the one seeded third showed again what's in them)

Borders with other functors for coordination. Some conjunctions and conjunction modifiers are homonymous and can express other meanings, too (the conjunction jinak, the conjunction modifiers tudíž, tedy, totiž, respektive, sice). It is therefore necessary to use the identity of referents criterion for distinguishing coordination from apposition Cf.:

  • Ještě že jich bylo jen devět, jinak.CSQ by pravidla nevznikla. (=Thanks god they were nine, otherwise the rules would not be established)

  • Udělej to, jinak.DISJ bude zle. (=Do it, or it will have serious consequences)

  • slečna Sollárová, jinak.APPS slovenská malířka (=Miss S., the Slovak painter)

  • Byl nemocný, [#Comma.CSQ] tudíž.CM nepřišel. (=He was ill, so he didn't come)

  • Přišel s tímto nápadem už koncem 60. let, [#Comma.APPS] tudíž.CM až po válce. (=He came up with the idea already in the 60s, i.e. after the war)

  • Podmínkou je mít sponzora, [#Comma.APPS] tedy.CM firmu, která to zaplatí. (=The condition is to have a sponsor, i.e. a company who is going to pay for it)

  • Je to utajeno, a.CSQ tedy.CM chráněno. (=It is a secret, hence it is protected)

  • Rybí maso musíme jíst čerstvé, podléhá totiž.REAS rychlému rozkladu. (=Fish has to be eaten fresh, it goes bad fast)

  • Peníze získáváme z různých zdrojů, totiž.APPS od vlády nebo od sponzorů. (=We get money from different sources, namely from the government or sponsors)

The conjunction modifier respektive has three meanings: either it expresses weak disjunction (DISJ; see also Section 12.1.6, "DISJ"), or it signals a relation between two conjoined modifications (CONJ; see Section 12.1.3, "CONJ"), or it can be a conjunction modifier with appositions. Cf.:

  • Stálo to 300 USD, [#Comma.APPS] respektive.CM 9000Kč. (=It cost 300 USD, or 9000Kč)

  • A je snad zbytečné dodávat, jak to skončí, pokud obrázkům nerozumíte alespoň tolik co prodávající, [#Comma.DISJ] respektive.CM kupující. (=...if you don't understand the pictures at least as much as the seller, or rather the buyer)

  • Letos v prvním čtvrtletí činily krátkodobé sazby v USA 3.0 a dlouhodobé 6.3 procenta, v Německu 5.8, [#Comma.CONJ] respektive.CM 5.6%. (=...in Germany it was 5.8, or rather 5.6%)

Functors bordering as the result of the multifunctional conjunction "jako". The APPS functor can get very close to the CONJ functor (see Section 12.1.3, "CONJ"), and even the CPR (see Section 6.2, "CPR") and COMPL (see Section 11, "Functor for the predicative complement (COMPL)") functors. This is caused by the fact that the conjunction jako carries the meaning of all the mentioned functors. For more details see Section 17.4, "The conjunctions "než" and "jako"".