6.3. CRIT

Definition of the CRIT functor

CRIT (criterion) is a functor for such an adjunct that expresses manner by providing a measure or criterion (norm, rule) essential for the measurement, evaluation, classification or recognizing the event (state) etc.

The CRIT functor comprises several meanings, especially:

!!! The CRIT functor is used for representing several different meanings so far. However, it has turned out that some of the meanings are in a closer relation to the governing node than other. There can also be two CRIT modifications in a single sentence, which have a slightly different meaning. Cf.:

It will be necessary to reconsider the meanings of the CRIT functor and perhaps divide it into two.

Forms. CRIT modifications usually make use of certain specialized secondary prepositions. The basic forms of the CRIT modification are:

Dependent clause. CRIT modifications can only be expressed by a dependent clause with the help of a supporting expression; e.g.:

Posuzuje lidi podle toho, jak se chovají.CRIT (=He judges people according to their behavior; lit. according that how (they) REFL behave)

Výše trestu se stanoví podle toho, jaké budou.CRIT platné normy. (=The height of the sentence will be decided on according to the valid norms; lit. according_to that what will_be valid norms)

Figure 7.33. The CRIT functor

The CRIT functor

Byl odsouzen v souhlase s předpisy. (=lit. (He) was sentenced in conformity with regulations)

Figure 7.34. The CRIT functor

The CRIT functor

Podle náměstka bude třeba svolat mimořádné zasedání. (=lit. According to deputy will_be necessary to_call emergency session)

6.3.1. Borderline cases with the CRIT functor

Border with the MANN functor. The CRIT functor is very close to the most general functor for expressing manner: the MANN functor (see Section 6.6, "MANN"). See Section 6.6.1, "Borderline cases with the MANN functor".