This course is replaced by NLP141 Linguistics, starting with the 2024 summer semester.
Instructor: | Jirka Hana |
e-mail: | (start the email's subject with NPFL106) |
Language: | Czech or English (depends on mutual agreement) |
Time & Place: |
The course will help students to get familiar with advanced topics in linguistics, especially syntax, semantics, historical linguistics and psycholinguistics. Most topics will be addressed both from the perspective of traditional linguistics and from the formal perspective of mathematics and computer science. Students are expected to have basic knowledge of linguistics, for example, as provided by NPFL063 - Introduction to General Linguistics.
In each class, we will discuss one or more papers (sometimes books or dissertations). It is expected that everybody will have read the papers. For each paper, one or two people will be responsible for leading the discussion (in some cases, it will be me).
"Active participation" refers to your comments and questions during class, your answers to my questions, etc. I do not keep track of whether your answers, etc., are correct, but simply whether or not you participate. It is important that you read the assigned papers (especially if you are leading the discussion).
Presentation | 0-50 |
Active class participation | 0-50 |
Total: | 0-100 |
Grade | Points |
1 | 90-100 |
2 | 76-89 |
3 | 60-75 |
4 | 0-59 |
This is a preliminary schedule. The order and selection of topics are open to discussion (e.g., if you are interested in topic X, we might agree to cover it by reader paper Y)
Date | Topic | Presenter | Reading |
Feb 20 | Unbounded dependencies | me | |
Feb 27 | Clitics | me | Hana 2007 Chapter 4 |
Mar 6 | Historical Linguistics | Keenu | Hock (1991): Principles of Historical Linguistics, Ch.12 Semantic Change. |
Mar 13 | Ellipsis | Anxo | Merchant (2012): Ellipsis |
Mar 20 | Ellipsis | ||
Mar 27 | Montague Semantics | Miftahul | |
Apr 3 | Information Structure: Vallduví & Roberts | Anxo |
Vallduvi & Engdal (focus on sections 1-3 and 4.1. Discuss the basic setup and then select one or two languages; do not dive into the 'terminological minefield' paragraphs explaining that Vallduvi's 'focus' has 15 different names in other theories and that 'focus' means 17 different things.)
Roberts 1996: Information Structure: Towards an integrated formal theory of pragmatics |
Apr 10 | NO CLASS |
Apr 17 | Valency | Miftahul | Dowty: The Dual Analysis of Adjuncts/Complements in Categorial Grammar |
Apr 24 | Psycholinguistics: Processing | Josef | van Gompel & Pickering 2007 (sken) (textual pdf) (old slides) |
May 1 | NO CLASS |
May 8 | NO CLASS | ||
May 15 | Psycholinguistics: L1 Acq | Keenu | Lieven (2006): Language Development (ELL2) + Stoel-Gammon (2006): Infancy: Phonological Development (ELL2) |
May 22 | Psycholinguistics: Bilingualism | Josef |
Bilingualism and cognitive development (Bialystok 2012) Psychoterapy and bilingualism (Santiago-Rivera and Altarriba 2002) Bilingualism and Alzheimer (Schweizer 2012) |
HPSG | Levine & Meurers (2006) |