If the direct speech does not express a modification of the reporting verb, noun or adjective and the direct speech cannot be attached by means of an infinitive or gerund of a verb of speech (i.e. the direct speech cannot be represented by any of the methods shown in Section 3.1, "Direct speech as modification of a reporting clause"), the construction is represented as a co-ordination of the reporting clause and the direct speech. The root node of the paratactic structure is usually the node representing a colon (t_lemma
). No new node representing the reporting verb is added to the tectogrammatical tree. Cf.:
V jednotce se lepší.PRED
] nálada: " Porazíme.PRED
] je." (=The mood of the unit is improving: "We'll beat them.")
The co-ordination of the reporting clause and the direct speech will be represented in the construction. Direct speech cannot be represented as an argument of the reporting verb, and the direct speech cannot be attached by means of the infinitive or gerund of the verb of saying (because the subjects are different; cf. Fig. 8.48).
In addition to the analysis in terms of co-ordination of the direct speech and its reporting clause (clausal co-ordination) it may be more appropriate in some cases to represent the relationship as apposition, and possibly as apposition between the direct speech and only one constituent of the reporting clause (mixed co-ordination).
Nálada v družstvu byla.PRED
] výborná: " Vyhráli jsme.PRED
] !" [ #Colon
] (=The mood in the team was excellent: "We won!")
Kaiserova zpověď.DENOM
] v Reflexu: "Život beru.PRED
] jako přestupní stanici." (=Kaiser's confession in Reflex (a weekly publication): "I treat life as a half-way house.") [ #Colon
Direct speech in a construction with a verbonominal predicate. Constructions in which direct speech is incorporated in a clause with a verbonominal predicate and the clause contains a verbal and a non-verbal part of the predicate are also treated as a co-ordination of direct speech and reporting clause. Here, the direct speech cannot be represented as a non-verbal part of the predicate, nor is it represented as dependent on a noun, because of its detachment from the potential reporting noun (see Section 3.1.2, "Direct speech as modification of a noun"). Cf:
Jeho slova byla: "Přijdu." (=His words were: "I'll come.")
The direct speech is represented as a non-verbal part of the verbonominal predicate (the effective root node of the direct speech has the functor PAT
; see Section 3.1.1, "Direct speech as the argument of a verb").
Jeho slova "Přijdu" byla neměnná. (=His words "I'll come" were immutable.")
The direct speech is represented as a modification with the functor RSTR
dependent on the noun slovo (=word) (see Section 3.1.2, "Direct speech as modification of a noun").
Jeho slova byla neměnná: "Přijdu." (=His words were immutable: "I'll come.")
The direct speech cannot be represented as a non-verbal part of the verbonominal predicate. The co-ordination of the direct speech and the reporting clause is represented in this construction (cf. Fig. 8.49).
Additional examples:
Jeho slova byla.PRED
] překvapivá: " Závidím.PRED
] mu." (=His words were surprising: "I envy him.")
Jeho hodnocení bylo.PRED
] zdrcující: "Takhle špatně jste ještě nehráli.PRED
] ." (=His evaluation was devastating: "We have never played so badly.")
Filled valency position of the noun in the reporting clause. We also represent as co-ordinations of direct speech and its reporting sentence constructions in which direct speech could be represented as a valency modificatiion of a noun in the reporting clause, but the given valency position of the noun is already occupied by another valency modification (see also Section 3.1.2, "Direct speech as modification of a noun"). Cf.:
Rozkaz k odchodu zněl.PRED
] stroze: "Odejděte.PRED
] !" (=The command to leave sounded severe: "Go away!")
The direct speech cannot be represented as a Patient of the noun rozkaz (=command), because the given valency position is already occupied by the prepositional phrase k odchodu (=to departure). The co-ordination of the direct speech and the reporting clause will be represented in this construction (cf. Fig. 8.50).
Figure 8.48. Co-ordination of the reporting clause and the direct speech
V jednotce se lepší nálada: "Porazíme je." (=lit. In (the) unit REFL is_improving (the) mood: "(We) will_beat them.")