Due to the special properties of predicative complements, which cannot be attributed to any other adjuncts, we discuss this functor separately. The functor assigned to predicative complements has the value COMPL
The functor COMPL
(complement) is a functor for predicative complements (i.e. optional adjuncts with a dual semantic relation).
For details on predicative complements see Section 10, "Predicative complement (dual dependency)".
Forms. A predicative complement can be expressed by:
noun or adjective: noun, adjective, numeral or pronoun of the nominal or adjectival nature.
Hosté odcházeli spokojeni.COMPL
(=The guests were leaving satisfied.) Fig. 7.60
See Section 10.1, "Predicative complement expressed by a noun".
non-finite verb form: participle, transgressive, infinitive.
Hráči odcházeli ze hřiště nepřemoženi.COMPL
(=The players were leaving the field undefeated.) Fig. 7.61
See Section 10.2, "Predicative complement expressed by a non-finite verb form".
dependent clause.
Sledoval ho, jak se chová.COMPL
k mladším spolužákům. (=He watched him how he behaved to the younger classmates.) Fig. 7.62
See Section 10.3, "Predicative complement expressed by a dependent clause".