10.2. Predicative complement expressed by a non-finite verb form

There are three types of predicative complements expressed by a non-finite verb form:

The t-lemma of these predicative complements is always the appropriate infinitive and a valency frame is always assigned.

The relation between a predicative complement and the noun it modifies is expressed also formally (this applies to participles and transgressives), i.e. by agreement in the nominal categories. This governing noun is in a grammatical coreference relation with one of the valency modifications (Actor or Patient) of the predicative complement. (see Section 2.3, "Coreference with verbal modifications that have dual dependency").

Frozen non-agreeing transgressives and participles are not represented as predicative complements but they are represented by means of other functors; for details see Section, "Non-agreeing participial constructions" and Section, "Frozen transgressive constructions".

10.2.1. Predicative complement expressed by a participle

A dependent participial construction, if it is not an argument of the governing verb, is represented as a predicative complement (see Section 5.1.2, "Dependent participial constructions").


Odcházela poražena.COMPL (=lit. (She) was_leaving defeated.) Fig. 6.177

Akce, podporována.COMPL mnoha sponzory, se velmi zdařila (=lit. (The) event supported (by) many sponsors - very was_successful.)

Figure 6.177. Predicative complement expressed by a participle

Predicative complement expressed by a participle

Odcházela poražena. (=lit. (She) was_leaving defeated.)

10.2.2. Predicative complement expressed by a transgressive (gerund)

Agreeing forms of transgressives (the subject of which corefers with the subject of the governing verb) are regularly represented as predicative complements (see also Section 5.1.3, "Transgressive (gerund) constructions").


Odešel, zpívaje si.COMPL (=lit. (He) left singing (to)_himself.) Fig. 6.178

Odcházel, byv poražen.COMPL (=lit. (He) was_leaving having_been defeated.)

Constructions of the type "seděl hlavu skloněnou". Expressions of the type "seděl hlavu skloněnou (=lit. (he) was_sitting (his) head bowed)" also belong to the type of predicative complements expressed by a transgressive. These are constructions in which a verb (usually expressing a person's activity) is followed by a transgressival construction with its governing transgressive (a transgressive of the verb mít (=to_have)) elided. In place of the omitted transgressive, a newly established node representing an empty verb is added to the tree: its t-lemma is #EmpVerb and the functor is COMPL.


Seděla hlavu {#EmpVerb.COMPL} skloněnou (=lit. (She) was_sitting (her) head bowed.) Fig. 6.179

Jan tam stál {#EmpVerb.COMPL} ruce v kapsách (=lit. Jan there was_standing (with) hands in (the) pockets.) Fig. 6.180

NB! In some cases of direct speech, there is a newly established node for an empty verb (#EmpVerb.COMPL) which also represents a predicative complement in the form of a transgressive: namely a transgressive of the verb říci (=to_say)). For details see Section 3, "Direct speech".

Figure 6.178. Predicative complement expressed by a transgressive

Predicative complement expressed by a transgressive

Odešel, zpívaje si. (=lit. (He) left singing (to)_himself.)

Figure 6.179. Predicative complement expressed by a transgressive

Predicative complement expressed by a transgressive

Seděla hlavu skloněnou. (=lit. (She) was_sitting (her) head bowed.)

Figure 6.180. Predicative complement expressed by a transgressive

Predicative complement expressed by a transgressive

Jan tam stál ruce v kapsách. (=lit. Jan there was_standing (with) (his) hands in (the) pockets.)

10.2.3. Predicative complement expressed by an infinitive

Infinitives following verbs of sensory perception (the so-called Slavic accusative + infinitive) are usually represented as arguments, namely the Effect (Viděl Karla přijít.EFF (=lit. (He) saw Karel come.)).

An infinitival predicative complement, i.e. a non-valency modification, is found in cases like the following:

Našel Karla ležet.COMPL na posteli (=lit. (He) found Karel lie on (his) bed.) Fig. 6.181

!!! No infinitive in the position of a predicative complement has occured in PDT. Apparently, there are not many cases in which an infinitive following a verb is considered both non-valency and having a dual dependency (taking part in a grammatical coreference relation, see Section 2.3, "Coreference with verbal modifications that have dual dependency"). It will be necessary to reconsider the issue in the future.

Figure 6.181. Predicative complement expressed by an infinitive

Predicative complement expressed by an infinitive

Našel Karla ležet na posteli. (=lit. (He) found Karel lie on (his )bed.)