modifications is an adnominal modification, defined semantically: it expresses the content of a container. Nouns with the container meaning are (semantic) nouns expressing the degree, amount, number or volume of the thing in the container (people, things, materials etc.). These are especially:
nouns denoting containers in a very broad sense.
sklenice piva.MAT
(=glass of bier) Fig. 7.58
košík hub.MAT
(=basket of mushrooms)
plný bazén vody.MAT
(=pool full of water)
pytlík bonbónů.MAT
(=sachet of candy)
nouns denoting fractions.
polovina lidí.MAT
(=half of the people)
čtvrt miliónu.MAT
(=lit. quarter (of) million)
většina sportovců.MAT
(=most of the sportsmen)
nouns and numerals denoting groups, sets, collections, portions etc.
skupina lidí.MAT
(=group of people)
dvojice veslařů.MAT
(=couple of rowers)
stádo krav.MAT
(=herd of cows)
balení másla.MAT
(=package of butter)
sada nožů.MAT
(=set of knives)
dvě dávky paralenu.MAT
(=two doses of paracetamol)
jedna porce zmrzliny.MAT
(=one portion of ice cream)
blok hitů.MAT
(=block of hits)
numerals with the meaning of a container.
For details see Section 10.1.2, "Numerals with the meaning of a "container"".
tisíc korun.MAT
(=one thousand crowns)
milióny židů.MAT
(=millons of Jews)
some other nouns and expressions (denoting esp. number or amount of something).
deset procent obyvatel.MAT
(=ten percent of population).
počet akcií.MAT
(=number of stocks)
dostatek financí.MAT
(=abundance of finance)
množství škodlivých látek.MAT
(=amount of harmful substances)
součást programu.MAT
(=part of the programme)
část Německa.MAT
(=part of Germany)
Valency. The modification with the functor MAT
is an adnominal argument, either optional or obligatory. For more on this see Section, "Valency frames of nouns with the "container" meaning".
Forms. The basic form of modifications with the functor MAT
is a noun in the genitive:
noun in a non-prepositional case form.
The most common forms:
genitive | balík papíru (=package of paper) |
NB! With some numeral expressions, the form of the modification can be the same as the case of the numeral (e.g.: k prvním dvěma stům došlým vozům.MAT
(=to the first two hundred of received cars.DAT), na tisíci stránkách.MAT
(=on the thousand of pages.LOC), po půl roce.MAT
(=after half a year.LOC)).
Border with the functor PAT
. The functor MAT
borders on the Patient. For more on this see Section, "Borderline between the Patient and the MAT
and APP
Border with the functor APP
. The functor MAT
can border on the functor APP
with certain nouns. For more on this see Section 10.1.1, "Borderline cases with the functor APP