The modification with the functor APP
is defined semantically. It denotes the appurtenance of one person or thing to another in a very broad sense. The paraphrase "X has Y", where X is the modification with the APP
functor and Y is its governing noun. Compare:
otec dítěte.APP
(= father of the child)
= father has the child, the child belongs to the father.
střecha domu.APP
(=lit. the_roof of _the_house)
= the house has a roof, the roof belongs to the house.
The modification with the functor APP
bears especially the following meanings:
expression of kinship (or friendship; also in the metaphorical sense).
manžel slavné spisovatelky.APP
(=husband of the famous writer)
duchovní otec nové měny.APP
(=the spiritual father of the new currency)
příbuzná (=her relative)
rodiče (=my parents)
přítel ministra.APP
(=minister's friend)
NB! The free modification with the functor APP
is an obligatory modification in the valency frames of nouns denoting family relationships (and other nouns with a similar meaning). For more on this see Section, "Valency frames of nouns referring to blood (family) relations".
expressing the appurtenance of a person to an institution (the name of the person).
příslušník armády.APP
(=member of the army)
brankář vedoucího týmu.APP
(=the goal-keeper of the leading team)
člen výkonného výboru.APP
(=a member of the executive committee)
NB! The free modification with the functor APP
is an obligatory modification in valency frames of some nouns denoting the appurtenance. For more on this see also Section, "Valency frames of nouns referring to blood (family) relations".
expressing the appurtenance of some people to an institution (the name of the organization).
tým brankářů.APP
(=a team of goal-keepers)
organizace neslyšících.APP
(=an organization of the hearing-impaired)
denoting a bearer of a (physical, mathematical) property or quality.
míra nezaměstnanosti.APP
(=the unemployment rate)
úroveň ubytování.APP
(=the quality of accommodation)
průměrnou délku vazby.APP
(=the medium length of the arrest)
upřímnost (=the author's honesty)
NB! With some nouns, the bearer of the property/quality is a valency modification. For more on this see Section, "Valency frames of nouns referring to personal qualities and properties of things".
expressing the ownership
seznam (=her list)
vyšší postava (=my higher figure)
kapela (=our band)
dům mého otce.APP
(=my father's house)
expressing a part-whole relation
okraj chodníku.APP
(=the edge of the pavement) Fig. 7.55
střecha domu.APP
(=the roof of the house)
noha od stolu.APP
(=the leg of the table)
vnitřek prodejny.APP
(=the inside of the shop)
inzertní oddělení redakce.APP
(=the advertisement department of the redaction)
široký pás území.APP
(=wide stripe of land)
závěr utkání.APP
(=the end of a match)
expressing the appurtenance in a very broad sense (with abstract expressions).
auto roku.APP
(=the car of the year)
poezie lásky.APP
(=love poetry)
Forms. The modification with the functor APP
is primarily expressed by a noun in the genitive case or by a possessive adjective.
The basic forms of modifications with the functor APP
noun in a non-prepositional case form.
The most common forms:
genitive | organizace neslyšících (=the organization of the hearing-impaired) |
possessive adjective.
klobouk (=my hat)
prepositional phrase.
The most common forms:
k+3 | hudba k filmu (=music to the movie); klíč ke schránce (=key to the locker) |
na+4 | obruby na brýle (=lit. frames for glasses) |
od+2 | láhev od šampaňského (=lit. bottle from champagne) |
Dependent clause. The modification with the functor APP
can be expressed by a dependent clause only with the help of a supporting expression. Example:
Fotografové kříží různé významové roviny toho, co vidíme.APP
(=The photographers cross the meaning layers of what we can see)
Borders with the functors AUTH
and RSTR
. The functor APP
borders on the adnominal functors AUTH
and RSTR
(in cases like: Karlova.APP
knížka (=Charles' book) vs. Nezvalovy.AUTH
básně (=Nezval's poems)). For details see Section 10.2.1, "Borderline cases with the functor AUTH
Borders with the functors PAT
and ACT
. The functor APP
in the position of an obligatory free modification borders on the Patient and Actor. For more on this see Section, "Borderline between the Patient and the MAT
and APP
functors" and Section, "Valency frames of nouns referring to personal qualities and properties of things".
Border with the functor MAT
. The modification expressing the appurtenance can (when in the genitive form) in some cases border with the meaning of the functor MAT
(see Section 10.4, "MAT"). If the governing noun denotes an institution, organization, group etc., the dependent modification is more likely to be assigned the functor APP
; the MAT
functor is assigned in those cases where the governing noun expresses rather the size of the group (it does not express its character, it only has the meaning of a container). Compare:
organizace neslyšících.APP
(=the organization of the hearing-impaired)
spolek zahrádkářů.APP
(=the association of gardeners)
třída dětí.APP
(=a class of children)
většina lidí.MAT
(=lit. most of_people)
dvojice žen.MAT
(=pairs of women)
(velká) skupina dětí.MAT
(=(large) group of children)
Border with the functor ID
. The functor APP
borders on the functor ID
in cases like trest smrti.ID
(= death sentence) (explicative genitive). For more on this see Section 8.1, "Basic rules for the annotation of identifying expressions".