6.8. REG

Definition of the REG functor

REG (regard) is a functor for such an adjunct that expresses manner by specifying with respect to what something holds (is to be interpreted).

REG modifications express with regard to what the event or property hold, they specify the limitations. The REG functor can be identified with the help of paraphrases like: "co se týká (=concerning)", "vzhledem k čemu (=with respect to)", "z hlediska čeho (=from the point of view of)". REG modifications express both a positive relation (vzhledem k (=with regard to), s ohledem na) as well as a negative relation (bez ohledu na (=regardless of)) to something.

!!! The REG functor needs to be further classified by subfunctors, which have not been introduced yet.

REG modifications can modify verbs (e.g.: Zevnějškem.REG se sobě úplně podobali. (=As to their external experience, they were very similar to each other)), adjectives (e.g.: rozlohou.REG malé Slovensko (=small by area)) as well as nouns (e.g.: specifikace izolačních materiálů z hlediska hořlavosti.REG (=specification of the materials with respect to their flammability), including non-derived nouns (Marie, povoláním.REG učitelka (=Marie, a teacher by profession)).

Forms. The basic forms of the REG modification are:

Agreeing form of an adjective. With event nouns (ending with -ní or ; see Section, "Functors assigned to the non-valency modifications of nouns referring to events") the REG modification can also be expressed by an agreeing adjective form.


dědické.REG řízení (=lit. heirship proceedings)

důchodové.REG zabezpečení (=pension scheme)

penzijní.REG připojištění (=a contributory pension scheme)

trestní.REG stíhání (=criminal prosecution)

zálohové.REG zdanění (=lit. advance taxation)

Figure 7.39. The REG functor

The REG functor

rozlohou malé Slovensko (=lit. by_area small Slovakia)

6.8.1. Borderline cases with the REG functor

Border with the MANN functor. The REG functor is very close to the most general functor for expressing manner: the MANN functor (see Section 6.6, "MANN"). See Section 6.6.1, "Borderline cases with the MANN functor".

Borders with other functors. A number of homonymous expressions (při+6, s+7, na+4, za+4), used for expressing the REG functor, means a lot of borderline cases. The choice of the functor is a decision of the annotator. Cf.:

  • the border with the EXT functor:

    • Sbor je do počtu.REG slabý. (=The choir is weak, as to the number of people)

    • Sbor je do určité míry.EXT slabý. (=The choir is weak, to a certain degree)

  • the border with the BEN functor:

    • ukazatel exportu na jednoho obyvatele.REG (=the export index for one person)

    • přídavek na dítě.BEN (=children's allowance; lit. benefit for children)

    • Válka je pro Albrightovou.REG citlivé místo. (=The war is a sensitive spot for Albright)

    • šance pro movité nájemníky.BEN (=a chance for rich tenants)

    For more on the border with the BEN functor see Section 9.1.1, "Borderline cases with the BEN functor".

  • the border with the MEANS functor:

    • prospívat na duchu.REG (=do good to one's mind/spirit)

    • objasnit na příkladu.MEANS (=explain on an example)

  • the border with the CPR functor:

    • Podobně je tomu s oběma muži.REG (=It is similar with both men)

    • s léty.CPR přibývají zkušenosti (=The experience grows with the years)

  • the border with the COND functor:

    • V případě gymnázií.REG bych přinejmenším na dvě první místa dal státní školy. (=As for the secondary grammar schools, I would mention...)

    • V případě nemoci.COND zůstaň doma. (=In case of illness, stay at home)

    • Nevyužité možnosti má televize zejména při regionálním vysílání.REG (=The possibilities are not used enough especially with the local broadcasting)

    • Při změně.COND kompetencí mohou v lesích převážit hospodářské aktivity. (=If the competences change...)

!!! It has turned out that the choice of the functor is often very difficult. In the future, the boundaries between individual functors will have to be specified more clearly.