A specific construction with the meaning of difference is a construction with the expression tím + comparative.
Annotation rules. In the constructions with tím + comparative, the node for tím is assigned the DIFF
functor and is dependent on the node for the comparative. The node for the comparative gets a functor depending on its position in the structure of the sentence (often EXT
). Cf.:
větší budou hospodářské ztráty. (=The heavier the losses will be)
The node for tím gets the DIFF
functor and depends on the node for the comparative větší. Cf. Fig. 8.101.
Also constructions in which the expression spíš replaces the comparative belong to this type. Cf.:
spíš bychom neměli soudit my. (=We should judge him even less)
The node for tím gets the DIFF
functor and depends on the node for spíš, which gets the EXT
functor. Cf. Fig. 8.102.
More examples:
méně jsou dějiny dílem několika intelektuálů. (=Even less is history work of a couple of intellectuals)
Nechci nikoho přesvědčovat o správnosti svých úvah, tím.DIFF
méně poučovat. (=I don't want to persuade anybody.. and even less patronize)
spíš našemu čtenáři děkujeme za vysvětlující doplněk. (=All the more we thank our reader for the comment)