12. Functors expressing the relations between the members of paratactic structures

Functors expressing the relations between the members of paratactic structures form a special class of functors that do not conform to the basic definition of a functor (see Chapter 7, Functors and subfunctors). These functors do not express a kind of dependency; they rather capture the relation between members of paratactic structures (either clauses or modifications).

They are functors that are assigned to the root nodes of paratactic structures (see Section 6.1, "Representing parataxis in a tectogrammatical tree").

List of the functors for coordination

Functor for apposition

Functor for mathematical operations and intervals

The functors above are used for connecting clauses as well as individual modifications - with the exception of the functors CONTRA and OPER, which are only used for connecting individual modifications, and with the exception of the CONFR functor, which is only used for connecting clauses.

Apart from the functors assigned directly to the roots, there is also a specific functor CM, which is assigned to nodes representing conjunction modifiers.

Functor for conjunction modifiers