9.4. SUBS

Definition of the functor SUBS

The functor SUBS (substitution) is a functor for a free modification expressing that certain entity (event, state, person or object) has been substituted, replaced by some other entity (event, state, person or object).

The SUBS modification mainly modifies verbs.

Forms. The basic forms of modifications with the functor SUBS are:

NB! The SUBS functor is assigned to all constructions (dependent clauses) with the meaning of substitution in which other than the genitive form is used after the preposition místo or namísto (=instead). For more on this see Section 17.3, "The prepositions "kromě", "mimo", "vedle", "místo", "namísto"".

Figure 7.53. The SUBS functor

The SUBS functor

Výměnou za srnku dostali několik bažantů. (= lit. In_exchange for deer (they) got a_few pheasants.)

Figure 7.54. The SUBS functor

The SUBS functor

Místo toho, aby pracoval, spí. (=lit. Instead that to work, (he) sleeps.)

9.4.1. Borderline cases with the functor SUBS

Borders with other functors (especially with the functors CAUS and AIM). The modification with the functor SUBS borders with other modifications usually only in case it is expressed with the help of the ambiguous preposition za+4. All the other forms only express the SUBS meaning. It is necessary to consider the meaning of the modification carefully if the ambiguous prepositional phrase za+4 is used. Compare:

  • Dostal cenu za otce(=He got the prize instead of his father)

    If the meaning of the modification za otce is "místo otce (=instead of his father)", it will be assigned the functor SUBS. If it expresses the reason why he got the prize (e.g.: Dostal cenu za film Otec. (=He got the prize for the movie Father)), it will be assigned the functor CAUS.

  • Zaměstnanci se bouří za mě. (=The employees revolt for me.)

    If the meaning of the modification za mě (=for me) is "místo mě (=instead of me)", it will be assigned the functor SUBS. If it expresses the purpose why they revolt (e.g.: Zaměstnanci se bouří za mě, aby mě nevyhodili z práce. (=The employees are revolting for me, so that I do not get fired.)), it will be assigned the functor AIM.