For the rules regarding the argument shifting, see Section 2.1.4, "Criteria for determining the type of argument (the principle of shifting)". The ADDR
functor is defined primarily semantically. In those cases when the argument shifting applies, the ADDR
functor is assigned to the argument with the cognitive role of the Addressee of the event only if the verb (noun, adjective) has at least three arguments; if the verb has two arguments and the second one has the cognitive role of the Addressee of the event, the argument gets the PAT
The modification with the ADDR
functor refers to the Addressee (typically animate) of the event in a very broad sense of the word, especially:
the Addressee with verbs of giving (in the broadest sense of the word).
Dal dítěti.ADDR
hračku. (He gave the child a toy)
Řekl synovi.ADDR
pravdu. (=He told his son the truth)
Učí děti.ADDR
angličtinu. (=He teaches children English)
the original possessor with verbs of taking something away.
Vzal dítěti.ADDR
hračku. (=He took the toy from the child)
Ukradl cizinci.ADDR
peněženku. (=He stole a wallet from a foreigner)
the Addressee the event is directed at.
Obrátil se na soud.ADDR
s problémem. (=He turned to the court with a problem)
Possible forms. The argument with the ADDR
functor is defined mainly semantically and it typically occurs in semantic cases (the dative, prepositional phrases), which do not change as a consequence of derivation. The Addressee argument of verbs, nouns and adjectives is therefore expressed by essentially the same forms. The basic forms of the ADDR
modification are:
noun in a non-prepositional case.
The most common forms:
dative | Našemu zpravodaji to řekl tiskový mluvčí vlády. (=The press agent of the government told it to our reporter); finanční pomoc Slovensku (=financial help to Slovakia) |
accusative | Klaus ujistil přítomné, že ČR bude spolehlivým partnerem. (=Klaus assured the present parties that CR will be a reliable partner) |
nominative (in passive - with certain verbs) | Nemajetní studenti mohli být osvobozeni od školného. (=Poor students could be freed from the tuition) |
prepositional phrase.
The most common forms:
k+3 | K vojákům promluvil ruský premiér. (=The Russian Prime Minister spoke to the soldiers) |
mezi+4 | Zbytek likvidačního zůstatku se rozdělí mezi společníky rovným dílem. (=The rest of the money will be split between the partners) |
na+4 | Majitel převedl smluvně své povinnosti na nájemníka. (=The owner delegated his duties to the tenant); uvalení vazby na obviněného (=lit. imposing detention on (the) suspect) |
na+6 | výzkum veřejného mínění provedený na souboru 1097 obyvatel (=public opinion poll made on an array of 1097 citizens) |
nad+7 | Smašnovová letos vyhrála v Paříži nad Novotnou. (=S. beat N. in Paris this year); rozsudek nad zločincem (=lit. sentence over criminal) |
pro+4 | Zásilky jsou určeny zejména pro Skandinávii. (=The shipments are especially for Scandinavia) |
proti+3 | zápas proti silnému soupeři (=fight against a strong rival) |
před+7 | Jihoafričan Albertyn vede před Puzarem z Itálie. (=lit. Southafrican Albertyn is_leading ahead_of Puzaro from Italy) |
s+7 | Výzbroj armád zemí střední a východní Evropy se musí sjednotit s vybavením vojsk NATO. (=The weaponry of the Central and East European countries has to be united with the equipment of NATO); rozhovory s prezidentem (=talks with the president) |
vůči+3 | projev necitlivosti vůči mrtvým (=insensitivity towards the dead) |
NB! The Addressee can also be expressed by prepositional phrases that have various quantificational meanings: kolem+2, okolo+2, na+4, po+6, přes+3 etc. For example:
O svém talentu přesvědčil okolo dvaceti posluchačů.ADDR
(=He persuaded about twenty listeners..)
For more on these forms, see Section 2.2.3, "Productive changes in the surface form (not specified in the valency frames)".
dependent clause.
Dependent clauses whose effective root nodes are assigned the ADDR
functor are most often introduced by the relative pronoun kdo (=who), or a subordinating conjunction, usually in combination with a supporting expression:
kdo | varovaní těm, kdo staví načerno. (=warning to those who build without permission); Vláda je ten nejlepší mechanismus, který může pomoci těm, kdo si sami pomoci nedokážou. (=The government is the best mechanism able to help those who cannot help themselves) |
aby | Nebo byste dal přednost tomu, aby by vaše dítě vyrůstalo delší dobu uprostřed běžné populace? (=Or would you prefer it if your child grew up...) |
že | Nejvíc se prodalo Talmudu Elie Wiesela, ale to se dá přičíst tomu, že lidé jsou zvědaví a hledají základní informace. ( can be ascribed to the fact that people are curious and seek the basic information) |
More examples:
Banka raději dá přednost <tomu, že> nám ukáže.ADDR
, jakými metodami získává náš bankovní sektor zhruba sedmitisícové nadhodnocení svých pracovníků proti celostátní průměrné mzdě. (=The bank will prefer to show us which methods...)
Organizátoři to přičítají <tomu, že> některé hráčky se zalekly.ADDR
silného dvojbloku Habšudová - Hingisová. (=The organizers attribute it to the fact that some players...)
For more on supporting expressions, see Section 5.3, "Supporting expressions".
Border with the BEN
functor. Semantically, the ADDR
functor is very close to the BEN
functor (see Section 9.1, "BEN"). For more on this border see Section, "The borderline between the Addressee and Beneficiary".
Border with the EFF
functor. In cases like bránit děti před nebezpečím (=to protect children from danger) vs. bránit majetek před zloději (=to protect the property from thieves), the ADDR
functor borders on the EFF
functor (see Section 2.3, "EFF"). For more on this border see Section, "Finding the borderline between the individual argument functors".
Borders with the locative/directional functors. With a number of verbs, the ADDR
functor borders on locative/directional functors (see Section 4, "Locative and directional functors"). For more on this border see Section, "Addressee vs. locative/directional adjuncts".