10.3. Predicative complement expressed by a dependent clause

A predicative complement can also be expressed by a dependent clause introduced by the relative adverb jak (=how). The position of such a dependent clause is parallel to the position of an infinitive or adjective. The governing verb of the dependent clause is assigned the functor COMPL. The value of the compl.rf attribute is usually the identifier of the Patient of the verb in the governing clause.

The Actor (subject) of the governing verb has the t-lemma #Cor: the controller is the Patient of the governing verb (see Section 2.3, "Coreference with verbal modifications that have dual dependency").


Matka našla dítě, jak spí.COMPL (=lit. Mother found (the) child - asleep.) Fig. 6.182

Kamera americké televizní stanice zabírá několik poslanců Federálního shromáždění z komise 17. listopadu, jak otevírají.COMPL krabici dokumentů Státní bezpečnosti. (=lit. (The) camera (of) (an) American TV channel takes several members of Federal Assembly from (the) committee (for) 17th November as (they) are_opening (a) box (of) documents of State Police.)

Figure 6.182. Predicative complement expressed by a dependent clause

Predicative complement expressed by a dependent clause

Matka našla dítě, jak spí. (=lit. Mother found (the) child how (he/she) sleeps.)