2.2. Linux and UNIX-based systems

Almost every modern UNIX/Linux system contains Perl in default installation, so we may expect that you have already Perl installed on your box and you only need to install PerlTk toolkit and TrEd:

  1. To install PerlTk toolkit, fetch the latest version of Perl-Tk library from CPAN, and extract the archive to some temporary directory, e.g using the following command (substituting 804.025 with your Tk version number):

          $ gunzip -c Tk-804.025.tar.gz | tar -x

    and issue the following commands (see file INSTALL file in the Tk distribution directory for details):

    bash$ cd Tk804.025
    bash$ perl Makefile.PL XFT=11
    bash$ make
    bash$ make test2
    bash$ su3
    root# make install


    the XFT=1 option turns on support for FreeType anti-aliasing. If this step fails, restart without XFT=1.


    this is only to test the result of the compilation, you may skip it, if you like


    gain root's privileges

  2. To install TrEd, simply untar/ungzip the tred directory from the TrEd installation package to any directory you like (e.g. to your home directory or, with root privileges, to /opt directory).


    You may also wish to symling the tred executable to some directory on your PATH. Assuming you have extracted the TrEd distribution to /opt directory, you can achieve this with the following command:

    root# ln -s /opt/tred/tred /usr/local/bin

    . Use similar commands for btred and other tools included with TrEd distribution you wish to use.

  3. Run TrEd by issuing the command tred. (See Section 8.)


    Ifthe tred executable fails to start, try to changing the first line (#!/usr/bin/perl) so that it points to your Perl executable. If you find TrEd halting immediately, complaining about Tk.pm module, check PerlTk installation path. You may need to setup PERLLIB variable to point to the site_perl directory on your system to which the Tk.pm module was installed.