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Workshops Statistics

WS WS name Submissions Withdrawals Total accepted Paper Short paper Poster Demo
WS1 SEMEVAL, tasks 18 - 18 6 - 12 -
WS1 SEMEVAL, systems 93 - 92 10 - 82 -
WS2 MT, general 38 5 22 12 - 10 -
WS2 MT, shared task 17 - 17 - - 17 -
WS3 Approaches to Semitic Languages 31 2 14 14 - - -
WS4 Language Technology for Cultural Heritage 22 - 11 6 - 5 -
WS5 BioNLP-07 59 - 33 14 - 19 -
WS6 A Broader Perspective on Multiword Expressions 23 1 10 4 - 6 -
WS7 Deep Linguistic Processing 48 2 19 9 - 10 -
WS8 SIGPHON Morphology/Phonology 16 - 15 9 - 6 -
WS9 Entailment/paraphrasing, general 11 - 6 6 - - -
WS9 PASCAL RTE, shared task 25 - 25 9 - 16 -
WS10 The LAW 51 - 28 11 5 8 4
WS11 SIGSEM Workshop on Prepositions 16 - 8 8 - - -
WS12 NLP for Balto-Slavonic languages 21 - 12 9 - 3 -
WS13 Grammar-based approaches to spoken language processing 8 - 7 6 - - 1
WS14 Embodied Language Processing 9 - 9 6 - 3 -
WS15 Cognitive Aspects of Computational Language Acquisition 22 - 12 12 - - -

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