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The following tutorials were held on June 24, 2007.

Tutorial 1:
» Bayesian Nonparametric Structured Models
» Percy Liang, Dan Klein
» Afternoon (14:30-17:30, break 15:45-16:15), Hall III.
Tutorial 2:
» Usability and Performance Evaluation for Advanced Spoken Dialogue Systems
» Kristiina Jokinen, Michael McTear
» Morning (9:30-12:30, break 10:45-11:15), Lounge 1.
Tutorial 3:
» Textual Entailment
» Ido Dagan, Dan Roth, Fabio Massimo Zanzotto
» Afternoon (14:30-17:30, break 15:45-16:15), Lounge 1.
Tutorial 4:
» From Web Content Mining to Natural Language Processing
» Bing Liu
» Morning (9:30-12:30, break 10:45-11:15), Hall III.
Tutorial 5:
» Quality Control of Corpus Annotation Through Reliability Measures
» Ron Artstein
» Morning (9:30-12:30, break 10:45-11:15), Lounge 10.

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