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The Linguistic Annotation Workshop (The LAW)

More information at WS10 workshop page. (try the local copy if the link doesn't work)

Long papers

  • Nancy Ide and Keith Suderman: GrAF: A Graph-based Format for Linguistic Annotations
  • Eric Ringger, Peter McClanahan, Robbie Haertel, George Busby, Kevin Seppi, James Carroll, Deryle Lonsdale and Marc Carmen: Active Learning for Part-of-Speech Tagging: Accelerating Corpus Annotation
  • Katrin Tomanek, Joachim Wermter and Udo Hahn: Efficient Annotation with the Focused ANnotation Environment (FANE)
  • Paola Monachesi, Gerwert Stevens and Jantine Trapman: Adding semantic role annotation to a corpus of written Dutch
  • Matthias Buch-Kromann: Computing translation units and quantifying parallelism in parallel dependency treebanks
  • Gosse Bouma and Geert Kloosterman: Mining Syntactically Annotated Corpora with XQuery
  • Jonathon Read, David Hope and John Carroll: Annotating Expressions of Appraisal in English
  • Mary Ellen Foster: Assocating Facial Displays with Syntactic Constituents for Generation
  • Martin Volk, Joakim Lundborg and Maël Mettler: A Search Tool for Parallel Treebanks
  • Udo Hahn, Ekaterina Buyko, Katrin Tomanek, Sophia Ananiadou, Scott Piao, John McNaught and Yoshimasa Tsuruoka: An Annotation Type System for a Data-Driven NLP Pipeline
  • Ruifeng Xu, Qin Lu, Kam-Fai Wong and Wenjie Li: Annotating Chinese Collocations with Multi Information

Short papers

  • Adriane Boyd: Discontinuity Revisited: An Improved Conversion to Context-Free Representations
  • Saara Huhmarniemi, Sjur Nørstebø Moshagen and Trond Trosterud: Usage of XSL Stylesheets for the annotation of the Sámi language corpora.
  • Cecily Jill Duffield, Jena D. Hwang, Susan Brown, Sarah E. Vieweg, Jennifer Davis and Martha Palmer: Criteria for the Manual Grouping of Verb Senses
  • Kuzman Ganchev, Fernando Pereira, Mark Mandel, Steven Carroll and Peter White: Semi-Automated Named Entity Annotation
  • Martin Thomas: Querying multimodal annotation: A concordancer for GeM

Demo papers

  • Marc Verhagen, Amber Stubbs and James Pustejovsky: Combining Independent Syntactic and Semantic Annotation Schemes
  • Gerwert Stevens: XARA: An XML- and rule-based semantic role labeler
  • Gülsen Eryigit: ITU Treebank Annotation Tool
  • Ulrich Germann: Web-based Tools for Creating and Visualizing Sub-sentential Alignments of Parallel Text


  • Yunfang Wu, Peng Jin, Tao Guo and Shiwen Yu: Building Chinese Sense Annotated Corpus with the Help of Software Tools
  • Ryu Iida, Mamoru Komachi, Kentaro Inui and Yuji Matsumoto: Annotating a Japanese Text Corpus with Predicate-Argument and Coreference Relations
  • Maik Stührenberg, Daniela Goecke, Nils Diewald, Irene Magdalena Cramer and Alexander Mehler: Web-based Annotation of Anaphoric Relations and Lexical Chains
  • Kepa Joseba Rodriguez, Stefanie Dipper, Michael Götze, Massimo Poesio, Giuseppe Riccardi, Christian Raymond and Joanna Rabiega-Wiśniewska: Standoff Coordination for Multi-Tool Annotation in a Dialogue Corpus
  • Olga Krasavina and Christian Chiarcos: PoCoS – Potsdam Coreference Scheme
  • Cristina Bosco: Multiple-step treebank conversion: from dependency to Penn format
  • Roxana Girju: Experiments with an Annotation Scheme for a Knowledge-rich Noun Phrase Interpretation System
  • Katrin Erk and Alexis Palmer: IGT-XML: an XML format for interlinearized glossed text

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