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A Broader Perspective on Multiword Expressions

More information at WS6 workshop page. (try the local copy if the link doesn't work)

Oral presentations

  • Colin Bannard: A Measure of Syntactic Flexibility for Identifying Multiword Expressions
  • Tim Van de Cruys and Begoña Villada Moirón: Semantics-based Multiword Expression Extraction
  • Nicole Gregoire: Design and implementation of a Lexicon of Dutch Multiword Expressions
  • Afsaneh Fazly and Suzanne Stevenson: Linguistically-Motivated Measures for the Automatic Detection of Idioms and other Multiword Expressions


  • Jinglei Zhao, Hui Liu and Ruzhan Lu: Semantic Labeling of Compound Nominalization in Chinese
  • Dolors Català and Jorge Baptista: Spanish Adverbial Frozen Expressions
  • Takehito UTSURO, Takao SHIME, Masatoshi TSUCHIYA, Suguru MATSUYOSHI and Satoshi SATO: Learning Dependency Relations of Japanese Compound Functional Expressions
  • Irina Dahlmann and Svenja Adolphs: Pauses as an indicator of psycholinguistically valid multi-word expressions (MWEs)?
  • Diarmuid Ó Séaghdha and Ann Copestake: Co-occurrence Contexts for Corpus-Based Noun Compound Interpretation
  • Paul Cook, Afsaneh Fazly and Suzanne Stevenson: Pulling their Weight: Exploiting Syntactic Forms for the Automatic Identification of Idiomatic Expressions in Context

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