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Student Volunteer Program

The deadline for application has expired.
This call is included for reference only.

ACL 2007 is looking for a limited number of student volunteers. In exchange for one full day's work, student volunteers receive free registration to the main conference. The work will be divided, probably into two half-day shifts, and the shifts will be scheduled to maximize volunteer access to the conference events. We may be able to provide other amenities, and will certainly try to provide a good work environment.

Tasks will include assisting at the registration desk, stuffing delegate packs, and providing technical assistance for conference events. Wishes about attendance to specific conference events will be taken into account when possible in allocating tasks.


Volunteers are needed from the evening of June 22 through June 30. (But we do not require all volunteers to arrive by June 22). The ACL Student Volunteer Program is open to full-time students only. There is no application form. Apply by sending an e-mail to the following address: lopatkova@ufal.mff.cuni.cz (Markéta Lopatková) and put "Student Volunteer Application" in the subject header of your message.

Please include the following information:

Program:     { BA, BS, MA, MS, PhD }
Year:        { 1, 2, 3, ... }    ("final year" PhDs please say so)
School:      e.g., Charles University in Prague
Department:  { Computer Science, Linguistics, Cognitive Science, ... }
Dates free:  e.g., June 25, morning of June 26

Are you presenting one of the following at the main conference?
Paper:       { Yes, No }
Poster:      { Yes, No }

... at an associated workshop?
Paper:       { Yes, No, Maybe }
Poster:      { Yes, No, Maybe }

Feel free to add any other information that you think may be important (e.g. you have already helped as a student volunteer and thus are experienced, etc.).

The application deadline is Sunday, April 29, 2007. We will try to complete the selection process by May 4.

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