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The ACL 2007 Sponsorship Chairs very gratefully acknowledge the following committments in sponsorship:

Gold Sponsor

Google Google

Silver Sponsors

Microsoft Research Microsoft Research
Textkernel Textkernel
NewsTin NewsTin
Yahoo Yahoo
Powerset Powerset

Bronze Sponsors

IBM Research IBM Research

Earmarked for the Best Student Paper Award

Xerox Xerox Research Centre Europe
Morphologic Morphologic
Language Weaver Language Weaver
CSKI Česká společnost pro kybernetiku a informatiku

Designated for Participant's Handbook

ELRA ELRA, the European Language Resources Association
Kilgray Kilgray Translation Technologies

SRW Sponsor

National Science Foundation National Science Foundation

Student Research Workshop is being generously supported by National Science Foundation.

Anyone interested in becoming a sponsor or finding out more about sponsorship opportunities is encouraged to contact any of the chairs at the following e-mail addresses.

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