Michael Rozsypal (Radio Leonardo) interviews Filip Jurčíček from ÚFAL about speech recognition, dialog systems and talking to a computer.
I have been with Charles University in Prague since September 2011. Currently, I am an assistant professor at the Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics. Before joining Charles University, I worked as a research associate at Cambridge University. My work involved development of statistical methods for spoken dialogue management, in particular POMDPs (Partially-Observable Markov Decision Processes). Prior that I worked as a software consultant in IT industry. I participated in projects implementing internet/IP telephony and automation of customer services. I received my PhD degree in 2007 from the department of Computer Science at the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen (Czech Republic) on the subject of semantic parsing for spoken dialogue systems. During my PhD studies, I spent 10 months as a visiting scholar in the Center for Language and Speech Processing at The Johns Hopkins University (USA).