Center For Computational Linguistics coordinating site

The map below shows the location of the coordinating site of the Center.

Overall Map of Prague

Annotated Google Map


Center for Computational Linguistics
c/o UFAL (Linguistics), MFF UK
Malostranske nam. 25
Praha 1
CZ-11800, Czech Republic

The Building

The coordinating site of the Center for Computational Linguistics is hosted by the Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistic, the Computer Science School building (see the left-hand picture below - on the horizon, the Prague Castle (Hradcany) can be seen as well) is in the center of Prague, in the Lesser Town. The building itself has been built in today's shape in the 17th century, and it served as a jesuit monastery. It has a rectangular shape with a small yard in the middle; three wings now belong to the University, and the fourth to the (roman-catholic) church, and in fact it is the largest baroque church in Prague (the right-hand picture).

MFF UK building St. Nicholas Church

Panoramic view from St. Nicolas Church.

Content: Jan Hajic.
This project is supported by the grant LC536 of the Ministry of Education of the Czech Republic.
2011 © Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics. All Rights Reserved.