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Call for Tutorial Proposals

The deadline for tutorial proposals has expired.
This call is included for reference only.

The Association for Computational Linguistics invites proposals for the Tutorial Program for the 45th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL-07), to be held in Prague, Czech Republic, from June 24 to June 29, 2007. The tutorials will be held on June 24, 2007.

Proposals for tutorials on all topics of computational linguistics and its applications are sought. Especially encouraged are cross-disciplinary tutorials that educate the community about recent technical advancements in neighboring disciplines that are of interest to computational linguistics, or introduce relevant algorithms and theory that may be "old hat" to specialists in these areas but are still unfamiliar to part of the natural language processing community.

The ACL has a set of policies on tutorials. You can find general information on policies regarding financial support of ACL tutorials, at the following URL: http://www.cis.udel.edu/~carberry/ACL/tutorial-payment-policy.html.

Submission Details

Proposals for tutorials should contain:

  1. A title and brief description of the tutorial content and its relevance to the ACL community (not more than 2 pages).
  2. A brief outline of the tutorial structure showing that the tutorial's core content can be covered in a three-hour slot (including a coffee break). In exceptional cases six-hour tutorial slots are available as well.
  3. The names, postal addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses of the tutorial instructors, including a one-paragraph statement of their research interests and areas of expertise.
  4. A list of previous venues and approximate audience sizes, if the same or a similar tutorial has been given elsewhere; otherwise an estimate of the audience size.
  5. A description of special requirements for technical equipment (e.g., internet access).

Proposals should be submitted by electronic mail, in plain ASCII text no later than December 15, 2006 to tutorials@acl2007.org

The subject line should be: "ACL-07 TUTORIAL PROPOSAL".

Please note: Proposals will not be accepted by regular mail or fax.

Tutorial Speaker Responsibilities

Accepted tutorial speakers will be notified by January 15, 2007, and must then provide abstracts of their tutorials for inclusion in the conference registration material by February 16, 2007. The description should be in two formats: an ASCII version that can be included in email announcements and published on the conference web site, and a PDF version for inclusion in the electronic proceedings (detailed instructions to follow). Tutorial speakers must provide tutorial materials, at least containing copies of the course slides as well as a bibliography for the material covered in the tutorial, by May 14, 2007.

Important Dates

Submission deadline for tutorial proposals December 15, 2006
Notification of acceptance January 15, 2007
Tutorial descriptions due February 16, 2007
Tutorial course material due May 14, 2007
Tutorial date June 24, 2007

Tutorials Chair

Joakim Nivre, Växjö University and Uppsala University, Sweden

Please send inquiries concerning ACL-07 tutorials to tutorials@acl2007.org

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