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Instructions for oral presentations during ACL and associated events

This page is included for reference only.

For the main conference sessions, the 25-minute time slot is divided into three parts: 18 minutes for the presentation, 4 minutes for discussion and 3 minutes for moving between rooms.

The following equipment will be available in each presentation room:

  • a table with a presentation notebook (IBM R60e, see below for software details)
  • a data projector connected to the notebook
  • a wired internet connection
  • a laser pointer
  • a wireless clip microphone
  • two wireless hand microphones

In each room, there will be one organizer (a student volunteer) responsible for handling the notebook and the A/V equipment.

Specifications of the software installed on the presentation notebook:

  • Microsoft Windows XP Professional
  • Acrobat Reader 8
  • Microsoft Office 2003, SP2
  • OpenOffice 2.1
  • AFPL Ghostscript 8.54
  • GSView 4.8
  • video players: WMP 10, vlc
  • audio output: jack 3.5", can be connected to portable speakers (which are not provided, with the exception of WS14)
  • web browsers: Internet Explorer 7, Firefox 2.0, Opera 9.1

Please make sure that your presentation works flawlessly with the specified software.

Instructions for handing over the electronic versions of the presentations

Each presentation in an electronic form should be handed over to the organizers (to the organizer responsible for handling the notebook in the respective room) 30 minutes before the session in which it is going to be given (i.e., 30 minutes before the morning/afternoon program start, or at the beginning of the coffee break preceding the particular session), on one of the following mediums:

  • USB Flash disk (USB 1.1 and 2.0 supported)
  • DVD+R, DVD-R (not RW)

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