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Call for Demos and Posters

The deadline for demos and posters submission has expired.
This call is included for reference only.

ACL-07 features a special session for posters and demonstrations. Topics of interest cover all aspects of computational linguistics, as outlined in the main conference call for papers. Posters and demos will be held on June 25 till June 27, at the main conference venue.

Posters should describe original work in progress, and present innovative methodologies used to solve a problem in computational linguistics or NLP. Demos should be concerned with mature systems or prototypes in which computational linguistics or NLP technologies are used to solve practically important problems. Demo papers should describe how the system is used to solve practical problems and should include a discussion of the implementation and case studies of how the system is applied.

Submission Procedure

Authors of posters and demos should submit an original paper (of no more than 4 pages in ACL07 format). In addition, authors of demos should submit a short (1-2 page) description of their proposed presentation.

Proposals for demos should provide:

  1. an overview of what the demonstration aims to achieve
  2. how the demo illustrates novel ideas or late-breaking results
  3. any URLs that link to screen-shots, live demos, or related information
  4. equipment or facilities required for the system demonstration

Authors must indicate if their submission is a Poster or Demo paper. Submission will be electronic, using the paper submission software that will be accessible through the conference web page. Papers must be submitted no later than 5pm US Eastern time March 1, 2007 (10pm GMT March 1, 2007). Papers submitted after that time will not be reviewed. Please consult the submission web page for details of the submission procedure. Accepted submissions will be allocated 4 pages in the Companion Volume to the Proceedings of the Conference.

Papers should be submitted to: http://www.softconf.com/acl07/ACL07-PD/


The reviewing of the posters will be blind. Each submission will be reviewed by 2 members of the Program Committee.

PC Members

Timothy Baldwin (University of Melbourne, Australia)
Srinivas Bangalore (AT&T, USA)
Roberto Basili (University of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy)
Walter Daelemans (University of Antwerp, Belgium)
Beatrice Daille (Universite de Nantes, France)
Tomaz Erjavec ( Jozef Stefan Institute in Ljubljana, Slovenia)
Katerina Frantzi (University of Aegean, Greece)
Sanda Harabagiu ( University of Texas at Dallas, USA)
Jerry Hobbs (USC/ISI, USA)
Alessandro Lenci (Universita di Pisa, Italy)
Evangelos Milios (Dalhousie University, Canada)
Yusuke Miyao (University of Tokyo, Japan)
Kemal Oflazer (Sabanci University, Turkey)
Stelios Piperidis (ILSP, Greece)
Thierry Poibeau (Universite Paris 13, France)
Paul Rayson (University of Lancaster, UK)
Philip Resnik (University of Maryland, USA)
Fabio Rinaldi (University of Zurich, Switzerland)
Anne de Roeck (Open University, UK)
Frederique Segond (Xerox Research Centre Europe)
Kumiko Tanaka-Ishii (University of Tokyo, Japan)
Kentaro Torisawa (JAIST, Japan)
Yoshimasa Tsuruoka (University of Manchester, UK)
Lucy Vanderwende (Microsoft, USA)
Pierre Zweigenbaum (Universite Paris XI, France)

Important Dates

Paper submission deadline March 1, 2007
Notification of acceptance April 2, 2007
Camera ready copies due May 4, 2007
ACL-07 Conference June 23-30, 2007

Demos / Posters Chair

Sophia Ananiadou (School of Computer Science, University of Manchester, UK)

Please send inquiries concerning ACL-07 demos / posters to demos@acl2007.org / posters@acl2007.org

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