2.6. Coreference in constructions with reciprocity

Grammatical coreference is also involved in constructions involving reciprocity (see Section 2.4.2, "Reciprocity"). If a new node with the #Rcp t-lemma is inserted into the structure as a consequence of it being non-expressed (which is a result of reciprocity), there is always a grammatical coreference relationship indicated in the tree, going from the node with the #Rcp t-lemma to the node it is in the reciprocal relation with. Three basic situations can be found:

Coreference in constructions in which there is reciprocity between modifications of nouns is represented in a similar way.

For a detailed discussion of reciprocity and more examples, see Section 2.4.2, "Reciprocity".

Figure 9.86. Coreference in constructions with reciprocity

Coreference in constructions with reciprocity

Sultáni se vystřídali na trůnu. (=lit. Sultans REFL changed on throne)

Figure 9.87. Coreference in constructions with reciprocity

Coreference in constructions with reciprocity

Starý sultán a nový sultán se vystřídali na trůnu. (=lit. Old sultan and new sultan REFL changed on throne)

Figure 9.88. Coreference in constructions with reciprocity

Coreference in constructions with reciprocity

Starý sultán s novým sultánem se vystřídali na trůnu. (=lit. Old sultan with new sultan REFL changed on throne)