ÚFAL Participation in EuroMatrixPlus
Continuing in our previous efforts, our main interest is in employing deep syntactic trees in machine translation.
EuroMatrixPlus in Czech Media
- Feb 23, 2010: Czech TV Main News - introducing and taking part in WMT10
- Feb 23, 2010: Czech TV CT24 - introducing and taking part in WMT10; text version included (in Czech)
- Feb 26, 2010: Novinky.cz - WMT10 will evaluate also texts from Novinky.cz
- Feb 26, 2010: ScienceWorld - citing CEET press release.
- Mar 25, 2010: Káva o čtvrté - David Matuška (CEET), Ondřej Bojar (UFAL) and David Daduč (professional translator) in an hour-long discussion on MT for translators in the Czech Radio. (local copy in MP3)
- Oct, 2010: Maxim 10/10 - an interview with Ondřej Bojar (UFAL).
- Oct 18, 2010: Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic (and one more link) - Ondřej Bojar presenting MT activities of the department.
- Nov 10, 2010: Milénium - 25 minutes broadcasting on machine translation in Czech Television (Jan Hajič, Ondřej Bojar, David Matuška representing EuroMatrixPlus).
Related Links
- ÚFAL Website
- EuroMatrixPlus Project Website
- TectoMT, a platform for deep linguistic processing, including MT, for Czech, English and other languages.
- PCEDT 1.0, Prague Czech-English Dependency Treebank, a parallel treebank version 1.0.