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Grammar-based approaches to spoken language processing

More information at WS13 workshop page. (try the local copy if the link doesn't work)

Accepted papers

  • Elisabeth Kron, Manny Rayner, Marianne Santaholma and Pierrette Bouillon: A Development Environment for Building Grammar-Based Speech-Enabled Applications
  • Rebecca Jonson: Grammar-based context-specific statistical language modelling
  • Peter Ljunglöf: Converting Grammatical Framework to Regulus
  • Björn Bringert: Speech Recognition Grammar Compilation in Grammatical Framework
  • Nadine Perera and Aarne Ranta: Dialogue System Localization with the GF Resource Grammar Library
  • Tim Paek, Sudeep Gandhe, Max Chickering and Yun Cheng Ju: Handling Out-of-Grammar Commands in Mobile Speech Interaction Using Backoff Filler Models
  • Ariadna Font Llitjós, Jaime Carbonell and Alon Lavie: Improving a Transfer-Based MT System with Automatic Refinements
  • Pierrette Bouillon, Glenn Flores, Marianne Starlander, Nikos Chatzichrisafis, Marianne Santaholma, Nikos Tsourakis, Manny Rayner and Beth Ann Hockey: A Bidirectional Grammar-Based Medical Speech Translator

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