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Instructions for Authors

All deadlines have expired.
These instructions are included for reference only.

These instructions are for authors of papers accepted to the ACL 2007 main conference, poster or demo papers. Authors of workshop papers are asked to consult the webpage of their respective events.

Formatting Guidelines

Authors are strongly recommended to use the style files provided here. It is very important to specify US Letter format. The maximum length of a manuscript is eight (8) pages for main conference papers, four (4) pages for poster or demo papers. The page limit has to be strictly observed. DO NOT include page numbers. If possible, avoid capitalizing authors' last names on the first page. All camera-ready manuscripts should look like the sample PDF file below, which also contains detailed formatting requirements.



All in one


The deadline for main conference, poster or demo papers is 4 MAY 2007, 23:59 EST (GMT-4). All final papers should be in Portable Document Format (PDF) and submitted electronically via the START system. Do not email us the files.


When you submit the paper, you will be asked to electronically sign ACL's Copyright Transfer Agreement on behalf of all authors. Before signing the form, please confirm with your co-authors (and, if applicable, your and their employers) that they authorize you to sign on their behalf.

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