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Student Research Workshop

Student Research Workshop is being generously supported by National Science Foundation. See the sponsors page.

Accepted Papers

Oral presentations

Jelena Prokic
Identifying Linguistic Structure in a Quantitative Analysis of Dialect Pronunciation
Olena Medelyan
Computing Lexical Chains with Graph Clustering
Richard Johansson
Logistic Online Learning Methods and Their Application to Incremental Dependency Parsing
Silke Scheible
Towards a computational treatment of superlatives
Yves Scherrer
Adaptive String Distance Measures for Bilingual Dialect Lexicon Induction
Paul Nulty
Semantic Classification of Noun Phrases Using Web Counts and Learning Algorithms
Diarmuid Ó Séaghdha
Annotating and Learning Compound Noun Semantics
Bart Cramer
Limitations of current grammar induction algorithms
Kata Gábor and Enikő Héja
Clustering Hungarian Verbs on the basis of Complementation Patterns

Poster presentations

Andrea Mulloni
Automatic Prediction of Cognate Orthography Using Support Vector Machines
Taras Zagibalov
Kinds of Features for Chinese Opinionated Information Retrieval
Martina Naughton
Exploiting Structure for Event Discovery Using The MDI Algorithm
Elias Ponvert
Inducing Combinatory Categorial Grammars with Genetic Algorithms
Nathan Sanders
Measuring Syntactic Difference in British English
Radosław Moszczyński
A practical classification of multiword expressions
Aleksander Buczyński
An effective implementation of combined partial parser and morphosyntactic disambiguator

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