'; ?> The Vilem Mathesius Center

Euro Summer School – Vilem Mathesius Lecture Series 18

March 9 – 22, 2003

Krystal hotel, Jose Marti Str., Prague 6

Scientific Programme

  • Wolfgang Dressler (Austria) - Static and Dynamic Morphology
  • Julia Hirschberg (USA) - Intonation in Spoken Dialogue Systems
  • Frederick Jelinek (USA) - Language Modeling for Speech Recognition
  • Martin Kay (USA) - Triangulation: An Approach to Partially Automated Machine Translation
  • Ferenc Kiefer (Hungary) - Three Ways of Doing Semantics
  • Barbara Partee (USA) - Integrating Lexical and Compositional Semantics
  • Helmut Schnelle (Germany) - Language in Mind and Brain
  • Mark Steedman (USA) - Using Combinatory Categorial Grammar for Wide Coverage Parsing
  • Bonnie Webber (USA) - Computing Discourse Structure and Discourse Semantics

There will also be Czech scholars presenting lectures in English, esp.

  • Jan Hajic - Towards Meaning: The Tectogrammatical Representation of Sentence Structure
  • Eva Hajicova -
    • Topic-Focus Articulation of the Sentence in Theoretical Description and in Corpus Annotations
    • From Topic of the Sentence to Some Aspects of Discourse Structure
  • Jarmila Panevova - Valency and Functional Generative Description
  • Petr Sgall - A Dependency-Based Underlying Syntax and the Simple Patterning of the Core of Language

Research notes:

  • Mikhail Boldasov (Russia) - Multilingual Generation in Data Base NL-Interface


Week 1 (Monday March 10 - Friday March 14, 2003)

9:30-11:00 11:30-13:00 14:30-16:00 16:30-18:00
Monday Schnelle Partee Jelinek Sgall
Tuesday Schnelle Partee Jelinek Hajicova Welcome Party
Wednesday Schnelle * Hajicova Dressler
Thursday Dressler Partee Jelinek *
Friday Dressler Panevova * Hajic

Week 2 (Monday March 17 - Friday March 21, 2003)

9:30-11:00 11:30-13:00 14:30-16:00 16:30-18:00
Monday Steedman Webber Kay (Jacobson's Lecture* - Kiefer)
Tuesday Steedman Webber Hirschberg Kiefer
Wednesday Boldasov* Webber Kay Kiefer
Thursday Steedman Hirschberg Kay *
Friday * Hirschberg x x


The Foundation of Vilem Mathesius and the Prague Linguistic Circle are grateful for the support given by the European Commission, Research DG, Human Potential Programme, High Level Scientific Conferences (contract number: HPCF-2000-00336), the Higher Education Support Programme of the Open Society Institute, and by the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics of Charles University.

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