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The Vilem Mathesius Center
The Vilem Mathesius Center
for Research and Education in Semiotics and Linguistics
A project of the Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University
Vilem Mathesius Lecture Series 14
March 1 – 12, 1999
Krystal hotel, Jose Marti Str., Prague 6
Scientific Programme
- Bengt Altenberg (Sweden): The Use of Parallel Corpora in Cross-Linguistic Research
- Wolfgang Dressler (Austria): Theory of Language and Theory of Language Change
- Eva Hajicova (Czech Republic): Topic-Focus and the Sentence
- Julia Hirschberg (USA): Intonation and Discourse Structure
- Frederick Jelinek (USA): A Structured Language Model and Parser
- Mark Liberman (USA): Tone and Intonation
- Jarmila Panevova (Czech Republic): Valency and Functional Generative Description
- Jaroslav Peregrin (Czech Republic):Meanings and Context Change Potentials
- Stanley Peters (USA): Quantification in Natural Language
- Mats Rooth (Germany): Issues in the Grammar of Focus and Ellipsis
- Helmut Schnelle (Germany): Language in the Brain: The New Challenge of Linguistic Theory
- Petr Sgall (Czech Republic): Prague School in the Linguistics of Today
- Mark Steedman (UK): Intonation and Focus
- Joseph Taglicht (Israel): Intonational Phrasing in English - Focusing Structures in English
- Jindrich Toman (USA): Topics in the Histereography of the Prague Circle
- Ken Turner (UK): Between Semantics and Pragmatics
Time Schedule
Week 1 (March 1- March 5, 1999)
9:30-11:00 |
11:30-13:00 |
14:30-16:00 |
16:30-18:00 |
Monday 1.3 |
Steedman |
Toman |
Rooth |
x |
Tuesday 2.3 |
Steedman |
Toman |
Rooth |
Altenberg |
Wednesday 3.3 |
Steedman |
Turner |
Rooth |
Altenberg |
Thursday 4.3 |
Taglicht |
Turner |
Toman |
Altenberg |
Friday 5.3 |
Taglicht |
Turner |
Panevova |
Sgall |
Week 2 (March 8- March 12, 1999)
9:30-11:00 |
11:30-13:00 |
14:30-16:00 |
16:30-18:00 |
Monday 8.3 |
Jelinek |
Peters |
Liberman |
Peregrin |
Tuesday 9.3 |
Jelinek |
Peters |
Schnelle |
Liberman |
Wednesday 10.3 |
Jelinek |
Hirschberg |
Schnelle |
Liberman |
Thursday 11.3 |
Peters |
Hirschberg |
Schnelle |
Dressler |
Friday 12.3 |
Hirschberg |
Dressler |
Hajicova |
x |
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