2.5. Quasi-control

Quasi-control is a specific grammatical coreference relation that can be found with multi-word predicates the dependent part of which is a noun with valency requirements (see Section 9, "Multi-word predicates"). The fact that certain combinations of a verb and noun form semantically a single unit has the consequence that the verb and noun share some of their valency modifications (or rather the modifications are identical in reference). This sharing is called quasi-control.

In the surface structure, the identical modifications are usually expressed only once; cf.:

Representing quasi-control in the tectogrammatical trees. A new node is inserted into the structure - usually as a valency modification of the non-verbal part of the predicate - with the #QCor t-lemma. The identity in reference is signalled not only by the special t-lemma but also by the grammatical coreference relation between the newly established node and the other node with the same reference (the coreference relation is marked in the tree).

If none of the identical modifications is expressed at the surface level, a new node with the #QCor t-lemma is added to the structure, as a modification of the non-verbal part, and the newly established node for the same modification of the verbal part has the #Gen, #PersPron, or #Unsp t-lemma, according to the type of ellipsis (see Section 12.2, "Ellipsis of the dependent element").


There is no coreference relation going to (the arrow pointing to) the node with the t-lemma #QCor.

Types of quasi-control. Quasi-control concerns two types of multi-word predicates:

Figure 9.84. Quasi-control


Povinností koalice je schválit zákon. (=lit. Duty (of) coalition is to_pass law)

Figure 9.85. Quasi-control


Karel podal stížnost policii. (=lit. Karel lodged complaint to_police)