Operators are defined as (linking) expressions for the expression of mathematical operations and intervals. In terms of their form they are both subordinating and co-ordinating expressions. Operators comprise in particular:
signs for mathematical operations (+) and also their lexical forms (plus (=plus)).
the dash as a punctuation mark or the comma for the expression of an interval.
the expression až (=until) expressing an interval.
a combination of prepositions expressing an interval. For example: od - přes -do (=from - through -to), od - po (=from - to), počínaje - konče (=beginning - ending).
The rules for the annotation of mathematical operations and intervals are described in Section 11, "Mathematical operations and intervals".
An operator is represented in the tectogrammatical tree by a separate node only in cases where mathematical operations or intervals are represented as a paratactic structure. The node representing an operator then stands for the root node of this paratactic structure (functor
T-lemma. The t-lemma of the node representing the operator of the mathematical operation is the sign of the relevant mathematical operation, either in the form of the t-lemma substitute (#Colon
for the colon, #Slash
for the slash) or (in a case where a t-lemma substitute has not been provided for a given sign) in the form in which it occurs in the text: thus either as a symbol (for example: +), or as a word (for example: plus (=plus)).
In the t-lemma of the node for the operator of the interval realised by a combination of prepositional phrases the respective prepositions are joined by an underscore (od_přes_do (=from_through_to); see also the section on multi-word t-lemmas Section 3, "T-lemmas of multi-word (complex) lexical units"). Individual combinations of prepositions expressing an interval are realised at surface level by various formal variants (od - do (=from - to), od - po (=from - to), od - k (=from - towards)). For the respective formal variants one representative variant is always selected, recorded as the t-lemma of the node the operator represents in the tectogrammatical tree (od_do (=from - to)).
The expression "až". The expression až (=until) has a dual function in the expression of mathematical operations and intervals:
an operator.
The expression až (=until) is an operator with the meaning of an interval in examples such as:
pět až.OPER
deset bodů (=five to ten points)
období 1938 až .OPER
1954 (=the period from 1938 till 1954)
If the expression až (=until) is an operator, it is represented by a node which is the root node of the paratactic structure and has the functor OPER
an expression modifying an operator.
The expression až (=until) is a conjunction (operator) modifier which emphasises the second (final) boundary of the interval in cases where the interval is realised by a combination of prepositional phrases.
If the expression až (=till) is a conjunction (operator) modifier it is represented by a node which is a direct daughter node of the root node of the paratactic structure and has the functor CM
=až). The value 0
is entered in the attribute is_member
The rule is that although this node is a direct daughter node of the root node of the paratactic structure and in the attribute is_member
it has the value 0
, it is not a shared modifier of the conjuncts and it does not modify the mother of the root node of the paratactic structure.
od pěti až.CM
do deseti bodů (=from five to ten points)
1 plus 1 (=1 plus 1)
The operátor will be represented by a node with the t-lemma plus.
byt 1+1 (=lit. appartment 1+1)
The operator will be represented by the node + (a t-lemma substitute has not been introduced for the mathematical addition sign).
Utkání skončilo 2 : 0 (=The match ended 2:0).
The operator will be represented by a node with the t-lemma #Colon
(the node representing the colon (with whatever meaning) has the t-lemma substitute #Colon
; see Section 4, "T-lemma substitutes").
od deseti do osmdesáti procent (=from ten to eighty percent)
Prepositional operators will be represented by a single node with the representative t-lemma od_do.
počínaje složitou dopravou na Strahov, přeplněným parkovištěm, až.CM
po dlouhé fronty na lístky (=starting with the complicated travel to Strahov, the overflowing car park and then the long queues for tickets.)
Prepositional operators will be represented by one node with the representative t-lemma od_do. The expression až (=till) will be represented as a conjunction (operator) modifier.
od notebooků přes stolní modely až.CM
po víceprocesorové servery (=from notebooks to desktop models to multi-processor servers)
Prepositional operators will be represented by one node with the representative t-lemma od_přes_do. The expression až (=till) will be represented as a conjunction (operator) modifier.