Some words are not independent lexical units - they form complex units with other words; such a complex unit has a single meaning, then. Such collocations of two (or more) words that have a single lexical meaning are called multi-word lexical units.
There are several possibilities of representing multi-word lexical units in the tectogrammatical trees:
the multi-word unit is represented by a single node and all its components are part of a multi-word t-lemma (see Section 3.1, "Multi-word t-lemma"),
the multi-word lexical unit is represented by a single node whose t-lemma corresponds to one of the components of the unit. The information regarding other components of the unit is encoded in the values of various grammatemes (Section 3.2, "Multi-word lexical units analysed as such by means of certain grammatemes"),
the multi-word lexical unit is represented by several nodes and the fact that these form a single unit is captured by using special functors (Section 3.3, "Multi-word lexical units analysed as such by means of special functors"),
the multi-word lexical unit is represented by several nodes and the fact that they form a unit is expressed by assigning them a special structure (Section 3.4, "Multi-word lexical units analysed as such by means of assigning them a special structure").
!!! Multi-word lexical units that are not captured as such so far. Some types of multi-word lexical units are not captured as such so far (although the relation between their components eventually is to be differentiated from that of syntactic dependency). Those are mainly:
certain types of modal predicates (modal verb + infinitive).
For example: nemůže nepřijít (=cannot.3sg not_come); see Section 9.1.1, "Modal predicates".
phase predicates (phase verb + full verb)
For example: začne plakat (=starts crying). See Section 9.1.2, "Phase predicates".
quasi-modal predicates (quasi-modal/quasi-phase verb + full verb)
For example: má plán odejít (=plans to leave). See Section 9.2, "Quasi-modal and quasi-phase predicates".
inflected titles (i.e. those that change their form; in contrast to those that do not - see Section 3.4, "Multi-word lexical units analysed as such by means of assigning them a special structure").
For example: Univerzita Karlova (=Charles University), Evropská unie (=European Union).
other kinds of collocations, complex (multi-word) lexemes (names of various objects, institutions etc.)
For example: gramofonová deska, vysoká škola (=(gramophone) record; university/college - lit. high school).