For the definition of rhematizers see Section 6, "Rhematizers".
Forms. The basic forms of rhematizers are:
adverbial and particle expressions.
on o tom nevěděl nic. (=lit. Only he about it did_not_know anything.) Fig. 7.46
Vývoj tohoto nepopsatelně složitého organismu budou jen.RHEM
těžko ovlivňovat nějaké náhody. (=lit. (The) development (of) this extremely complicated organism will only hardly influence coincidence.)
Za povážlivou označil Kalvoda v této souvislosti i.RHEM
průměrnou délku vazby.(=lit. - Alarming called Kalvoda in this context also (the) average time (of) custody.)
před týdnem přestala za prací do Púchova dojíždět. (=lit. Only - (a) week_ago (she) stopped -- to Púchov commuting.)
Pak byla pravopisná komise oživena ještě.RHEM
třikrát. (=lit. Then was (the) orthography committee renewed more three_times.)
negative and affirmative expressions.
Kdyby {#EmpVerb
} ano.RHEM
, pak by asi skončil ve vězení za urážku veřejného činitele. (=lit. If so then (he) would probably end_up in prison for (an) offense (of) (a) state official.)
For more on the negative and affirmative expressions in the function of rhematizers see Section 13.1, "Negating and affirmative expressions as rhematizers".
The formal expression of rhematizers is described in detail in Section 6, "Rhematizers", the annotation rules for rhematizers see ib.
Figure 7.46. The RHEM
Jen on o tom nevěděl nic. (=lit. Only he about it did_not_know nothing.)
Borders with the functors MOD
, CM
and functors for adverbial modifications. Words that can be rhematizers are often homonymous particularly with modal expressions and certain adverbials. For these borderline cases see also Section 6.1, "Expressions with the function of a rhematizer".