functor comprises all of the four traditionally distinguished types of condition:
real condition:
realized (Jestliže zazpíval i Pavel, zazpívám i já. (=If Paul sang, I will sing as well.) )
possible (Jestliže přestane pršet, půjdeme na výlet. (=If it stops raining, we shall go for a trip.); Kdyby přestalo pršet, půjdeme na výlet. (=If it stopped raining, we shall go for a trip.) )
unreal condition:
not realized but possible (Kdybych řekl víc, prozradil bych už všechno. (=If I said more I would betray everything.) )
impossible (Kdyby se toho (byl) dožil tvůj táta, měl by radost. (=If my dad lived to see that he would be happy.) )
!!! Originally, there was an idea to use the CTERF
functor to label the unreal condition. This functor is not presently used in PDT but its use in the future is a matter of current consideration. Then, the COND
functor will be used only with modifications that express the two types of real condition, while modifications with the CTERF
functor will be used with both types of unreal condition. The current version of PDT represents all the four types of condition with the help of the COND
functor. The conditional mood (typical for the unreal condition) is represented by the value cdn
of the verbmod
grammateme (see Section 5.9, "The verbmod
grammateme (verbal modality)").
Forms. COND
modifications are mostly realized by dependent clauses. Real condition is expressed by an indicative verb form and the conditional conjunctions -li (=if/in_case_of) , jestliže , když , pokud , or by a (present) conditional verb form and the conjunction kdyby. Unreal condition is expressd by a present or past conditional verb form and the conjunction kdyby. A special case of condition expressed by a verb is the condition expressed by the infinitive (and connected to the governing clause without a hypotactic conjunction). In case of semantic condensation, a modification with the COND
functor can be expressed by a prepositional phrase and (rarely) also by an adverbial expression.
The basic forms of COND
modifications are:
dependent clause.
The most common forms:
jak | Jak nepoví, budu na něho ještě více naléhat.(=lit. If (he) does_not tell, (I) will - him even more press.) |
jestli/že | Jestliže Izák zemře, komu otec předá tuto víru?(=lit. If Isac dies, who father will_give this faith (to)?) |
kdyby | Kdyby tu byl zůstal, bylo by tu veseleji. (=lit. If (he) here had stayed, (it) would have been in_here happier.) |
když | Když budete potichu, něco se dozvíte. (=lit. If (you) keep silent (you) something will_learn.) |
-li | Nepodaří-li se zvýšit výrobu, budou muset propustit desítky zaměstnanců. (=lit. (We) do_not_manage-if (to) increase production, (they) will have_to dismiss dozens (of) employees.) |
pokud | Pokud by mělo pršet celý týden, bude lepší zůstat doma. (=lit. If (it) was_to rain all week (it) would_be better (to) stay at_home.) |
v případě, že | V případě, že se nedostaví, schůzi rozpustíme. (=lit. If (he) does_not come, (we) (the) meeting shall_cancel.) |
Jestliže nepůjde .COND
dobrovolně, použijeme násilí. (=lit. If (he) does_not_go willingly (we) shall_use force.) Fig. 7.27
prepositional phrase.
The most common forms:
na+4 | Formulář vydává na telefonické požádání zkušební ústav. (=lit. (The) form hands_out on telephonic request (the) conditioning house.) |
po+6 | Zrušení účtu je po zaplacení ročního poplatku zdarma. (=lit. (The) cancellation (of) account is after (the) payment (of) annual fee free_of_charge.) |
pod+7 | mezinárodní dílna o hlasu a pro hlas pod vedením Idy Bittové-Kellarové (=lit. international workshop of voice and for voice under (the) leadership (of) Ida Bittová-Kellarová) |
při+6 | Při nedostatku vitamínu C se snižuje obranyschopnost organismu. (=lit. In_case (of) shortage (of) vitamin C diminishes (the) immunity (of) organism.) |
v+6 | V této situaci je naprosto nevhodné o tom mluvit. (=lit. In this situation (it) is utterly unsuitable about it to_speak.) |
v případě+2 | V případě nemoci mě zastoupí kolega. (=lit. In case (of) illness me will_depute (my) colleague.) |
za+2 | Bude hrát za podmínek běžných v druhé lize. (=lit. (He) will_play under (the) conditions common for (the) second league.) |
za+4 | slunečníky a lehátka k použití za nízký poplatek (=lit. parasols and deckchairs for use for (a) low fee) |
adverbial expression (in rare cases).
Naše potřeby by jinak.COND
mohly být příští rok ohroženy. (=lit. Our needs could otherwise - be threatened next year.)
To by případně.COND
mohlo ovlivňovat i rozhodnutí rady. (=lit. That might possibly - influence also (the) decision (of) (the) committee.)
v to vlastní práci, je výsledná cena velmi nízká. (=lit. Excluded - - itself (the) work is (the) final price very low.)
For frozen transgressive constructions see Section, "Frozen transgressive constructions".
infinitive .
vás, nebyl bych tady. (=lit. Were_not (for) you (I) would_not be here.)
For more on condition expressed by the infinitive see Section, "Condition expressed by an infinitive".
Upřímně řečeno.COND
, nebyla to dobrá volba. (=lit. Frankly said , (it) was_not (a) good choice.)
For incongruent participial constructions see Section, "Non-agreeing participial constructions".
Figure 7.27. The COND
Jestliže nepůjde dobrovolně, použijeme násilí. (=lit. If (he) does_not_go willingly (we) shall_use force.)
Borders with temporal functors. The modification with the COND
functor borders especially on modifications expressing temporal meanings (see Section 3, "Temporal functors"), esp. when using ambiguous forms: the prepositions v+6, při+6 and the conjunction když (=when). In these cases it is necessary to decide whether the modifications only has a temporal meaning, or whether it expresses also a condition on realization of the event. Cf.:
Při včerejší návštěvě.TWHEN
jsem ztratil knoflík.(=lit. During yesterday's visit (I) - lost (a) button.)
Při návštěvě.COND
se chovej slušně. (=lit. When (on) (a) visit behave decently.)
Když kohout zakokrhal.TWHEN
, začalo se rozednívat. (=lit. When (a) cock crowed (it) began - (to) dawn.)
Když bereš.COND
tyto léky, nesmíš chodit na sluníčko. (=lit. If (you) take this medicine (you) must_not stay in (the) sun.)
Border with the ACMP
functor. The COND
functor can border on the ACMP
functor (see Section 6.1, "ACMP"). See also Section 6.1.1, "Borderline cases with the ACMP
Borders with the functors CONTRD
. A hypotactically expressed confrontation (otherwise represented with the help of the CONFR
functor; see Section 12.1.2, "CONFR"), i.e. confrontation expressed by means of the hypotactic conjunctions jestliže(=if/in_case_of), -li and když, is represented as a false conditional clause. If the hypotactic conjunction zatímco (=while) ) is used instead, the CONTRD
functor is assigned (see Section 9.2, "CONTRD"). For the borders between the functors COND
see Section 9.2.1, "Borderline cases with the functor CONTRD
" and also Section 5.4.2, "False dependent conjunctional clauses".