functorThe TWHEN
functor (temporal : when) is a functor for a free modification that expresses time answering the question "when?".
A modification with functor TWHEN
localizes the event or state expressed by a governing word in a particular moment or interval through direct time specification (v pět hodin (=lit. at five o'clock), letos (=this year)), or through specification of the temporal relation to another event (před odjezdem (=lit. before departure), po snídani (=lit. after breakfast)).
Subfunctors. The TWHEN
functor is further specified by subfunctors. See Section 13.1.9, "Subfunctors with the TWHEN
Forms. The basic forms of modifications with the TWHEN
functor are:
prepositional phrase.
The most common forms:
k+3 | k večeru (=lit. towards evening); k 15.říjnu (=lit. towards 15th October) |
kolem+2 | kolem poledne (=lit. around noon) |
koncem+2 | koncem roku (=by the end of the year) |
mezi+7 | mezi dvěma světovými válkami (=between the two world wars) |
na+4 | na podzim ( autumn) |
na+6 | na úsvitě (=lit. by dawn); na konci dne (=at the end of the day) |
o+6 | o Velikonocích (=lit. at Easter) |
okolo+2 | okolo druhé hodiny (=around two o'clock) |
po+6 | po jeho příchodu (=after his arrival); po večerech (=in the evenings) |
počátkem+2 | počátkem měsíce (=at the beginning of the month) |
postupem+2 | postupem času (=in the course of time) |
před+7 | před hodinou (=an hour ago); před výletem (=before the trip) |
při+6 | při práci (=lit.during work); při loňských povodních (=during the floods last year) |
při příležitosti+2 | při příležitosti jeho narozenin (=on the occasion of his birthday) |
u příležitosti+2 | u příležitosti jeho narozenin (=on the occasion of his birthday) |
v+4 | v neděli (=lit. on Sunday) |
v+6 | v minulém století (=in the last century) |
v době+2 | v době konání konference (=at the time of the conference) |
v období+2 | v období druhé světové války (=during World War II) |
v průběhu+2 | Stalo se to v průběhu cesty. (=It happened during the journey.) |
v rámci+2 | v rámci oslav (=within the celebrations) |
za+4 | Přijde za týden. (=He will come in a week.) |
za+2 | Psal/Napsal to za minulého ředitele. (=He wrote it under the last director.) |
začátkem+2 | začátkem letošní sezóny (=by the beginning of this year's season) |
závěrem+2 | závěrem letošní sezóny (=by the end of this year's season) |
Po jednání.TWHEN
s premiérem odjel domů. (=lit. After (the) negotiation with (the) prime_minister (he) went home.) Fig. 7.10
noun in a non-prepositional case.
The most common forms:
accusative | Sejdeme se 2. února. (=lit. (We) shall_meet - 2nd February.) |
instrumental | Zákon vstupuje v platnost dnem podpisu. (=lit. (A) law comes into effect by the day of signature.) |
adverbial expressions.
Dočkáme se brzy.TWHEN
rychlé dopravy. (=lit. (We) shall_wait_to_see soon fast transport.)
Součástka se časem.TWHEN
opotřebuje. (=(The) component - in_some_time wears_out.)
se měl mnohem lépe. (=lit. Earlier (he) - was much better.)
se vrátím. (=lit. At_once (I) will_be_back.)
Obě země se jednou.TWHEN
začlení do sjednocené Evropy. (=lit. Both countries -one_day become_intergrated into united Europe.)
se vrátíš?(=When - will_(you)_be_back?)
ti to vynahradím. (=lit. One_day (for) you it (I) will_make_up.)
se máte dostavit do ředitelny. (=lit.Without_delay (you) yourself are (to) present to headmaster's office.)
se hlaste u vedoucího. (=lit. Immediately - report to (the) boss.)
Dílo bylo vydáno až posmrtně.TWHEN
(=lit.(The) work was published only posthumously.)
má být už hezky. (=lit.Tomorrow (weather) should be already nice.)
dependent clause.
The most common forms:
až | Najíme se, až vyjdeme. (=We will eat only when we set off.) |
jak / jakmile | Jakmile se vrátím, budeme pokračovat. (=As soon as I get back we shall continue.) |
jen / jenom | Jen doběhl, začalo pršet. (=As soon as he came it started raining.) |
jen co / jenom co | Jenom co doběhl, začalo pršet. (=As soon as he came it started raining.) |
kdy | Pracoval, kdy se mu zachtělo. (=He worked when he wanted to.) |
když | Když babička dovyprávěla, všechny děti už spaly. (=By the time granny finished the tale, all children were asleep.) |
než / nežli | Než se naobědval, umyl si ruce. (=Before he had lunch he washed his hands.) |
poté - co | Irák riskuje další útok poté, co inspektoři OSN opustili zemi. (=Iraq risks another attack after the UN inspectors left the country.) |
sotva / sotvaže | Sotva se naučil jeden jazyk, už se učí další. (=As soon as he learnt one language he has been learning another one.) |
NB! A similar temporal meaning can be expressed by a dependent clause modifiying a noun (its effective root node, however, is assigned the RSTR
functor), e.g.:
V okamžiku.TWHEN
, co jsem ho spatřil.RSTR
, jsem věděl, že je to on . (=lit. At (the) moment when (I) him saw (I) - knew that was it him.)
V době.TSIN
, kdy jsem ho navštívil.RSTR
, nebyl doma.(=At (the) time when (I) - him visited (he) was_not at_home.)
Agreeing form of an adjective. With nouns denoting events (nouns ending with -ní and tí; see Section, "Functors assigned to the non-valency modifications of nouns referring to events"), TWHEN
modifications can also be expressed by agreeing forms of adjectives.
zvyšování výroby (=lit. future increase in production)
zvyšování sazeb (=lit. another increase in rates)
jednání (=lit. today's negotiation)
vykročení (=lit. spring start)
sklízení (=lit. this year's harvesting
jednání (=lit. last negotiation)
podání (=lit. immediate serve)
prohlášení Daniela Kroupy (=lit. Monday declaration (of) Daniel Kroupa)
snížení stavu (=lit. last decrease (in) number_(of)_workers)
zasedání vlády (=lit. (the) first session (of) (the) government)
sčítání obyvatelstva (=lit. (the) previous census -)
rozhodnutí vlády (=lit. (the) original decision (of) (the) government)
účtování (=lit. yesterday's account)
nicnedělání (=lit. weekend lounging)
Figure 7.10. The TWHEN
Po jednání s premiérem odjel domů. (=lit. After (the) negotiation with (the) prime_minister (he) went home.)
Borders between individual temporal functors. Modifications with the TWHEN
functor represent temporal modifications proper. They localize the event or state that is expressed by the governing word on a time line with respect to a given moment or time interval. The validity of an event with respect to a moment or to an interval on the time line can also be expressed by temporal modifications with the functors TTILL
and TSIN
and TOWH
(to which the TWHEN
functor is semantically closely related).
The functors TTILL
(see Section 3.9, "TTILL") and TSIN
(see Section 3.8, "TSIN") , however, express the moment or time interval in which the event either begins (TSIN
), or ends (TTILL
), hence, they do not say "when?" but rather "since when?", or "till when?". The TPAR
functor (see Section 3.7, "TPAR") localizes the governing event with respect to another event, or it refers to the time interval the governing event is synchronized with, or within the frame of which it is effective. Also the TOWH
(see Section 3.6, "TOWH") and TFRWH
functors (see Section 3.3, "TFRWH") have a specific meaning of situating the event on the time line; however, these functors, unlike the TWHEN
functor, do not situate the event that is expressed by the governing word and therefore these temporal adverbials can occur in one construction together with those bearing the TWHEN
functor (which situates the governing event on the time line), e.g.:
přeložil výuku z pátku.TFRWH
na pondělí.TOWH
. (=lit. Yesterday (he) postponed class from Friday to Monday.)
Other temporal functors do not directly situate the event on the time line but they rather express various temporal - degree meanings linked to the event. However, this group of functors is not entirely different from the TWHEN
functor, particularly in the cases in which the temporal - degree meanings ("how long?", "after how long?", "how many times?" and "how often?") superimpose upon the basic meaning "when?". If the temporal - degree meaning follows directly from the temporal modification, this modification is assigned a temporal functor which expresses that particular meaning; however, if the temporal - degree meaning follows from some other aspects (from the context, verbal aspect etc.) the modification is assigned the TWHEN
See also Section 3.5, "THO", Section 3.4, "THL" and Section 3.2, "TFHL".
Various temporal modifications can be identical in their form and especially in the cases in which they are expressed with the help of a primary preposition, one expression can express more temporal meanings. The choice of the functor in a particular construction is usually determined by the context. Cf.:
Přijede za dvě hodiny.TWHEN
(=lit.(He) will_come in two hours.)
Napsal to za dvě hodiny.THL
(=lit.(He) wrote it in two hours.)
Za dvě hodiny.TPAR
nic neudělal. (=lit. In two hours (he) nothing did.)
Borders with other functors. The TWHEN
functor can border also on functors of other than temporal modifications. Identical formal means (particularly identical prepositions) and the use of an abstract expression also leads to blurred differentiation between temporal and other functors, esp. locative functors. Cf.:
Sdělím ti to až na schůzi (=lit. (I) will_tell you it only at (the) meeting.).
The modification na schůzi (=lit. at (the) meeting) can have a temporal meaning (providing an answer to the question "when?" - TWHEN
), but it can also express a locative meaning (providing the information on the place where the communication takes place - the LOC
Při práci si nezpívá.(=lit. By work (he) (to) himself does_not_sing.)
The modification při práci (=lit. by work) can express either a condition (if he works, he does not sing to himself), or, again, simply a temporal meaning, answering the question "when?".
There are no firm rules for the unambiguous assignment of the functors in these cases; the functor is chosen on the basis of the available context and the annotator's consideration.