For the rules regarding the argument shifting, see Section 2.1.4, "Criteria for determining the type of argument (the principle of shifting)". The ORIG
functor is defined primarily semantically. In those cases when the argument shifting applies, the ORIG
functor is assigned to the argument with the cognitive role of the origin/source of the event only if the verb (noun, adjective) has at least three arguments; if the verb has two arguments and the second one has the cognitive role of the origin/source of the event, the argument gets the PAT
With nouns not referring to events, the ORIG
modification has the character of a free modification (adjunct). For more on this see Section, "Origo as a modifier of nouns".
The modification with the ORIG
functor refers to the origin/source of the event, in a very broad sense of the word:
the material something is made from.
Vyráběli nábytek ze dřeva.ORIG
(=They made furniture out of wood)
Uvařila polévku z masa.ORIG
(=She cooked some soup from the meat)
nádoba z plechu.ORIG
(=a dish made of plate)
kaluž z tajícího sněhu.ORIG
(=a puddle from the melting snow)
the circumstances, event or state on the basis of which something comes into existence.
Na malých kroužcích.ORIG
založili novou organizaci. (=They build a new organization on small groups)
Vybudoval kariéru na cizí práci.ORIG
(=He built his career on other people's work)
the original owner (usually animate), the source something comes from.
Získal na dětech.ORIG
slib. (=He got a promise from the children)
Zakoupili stroje od výrobce.ORIG
(=They bought the machines from the producer)
Slyšel o neštěstí od učitele.ORIG
(=He heard about the accident from the teacher)
dárek od maminky.ORIG
(=a present from his mom)
miliarda od světové banky.ORIG
(=one billion from the World Bank)
the initial state - with verbs of change (from one state into another)
Zdražili vstupenky z 500.ORIG
na 550 Kč. (=The price of the tickets rose from 500 to 550Kc)
Prudce se zvýšily mezibankovní úrokové míry z 6,05.ORIG
na 7,53 procenta. (=... increased from 6.05 to 7.53 per cent)
Předělala loutku z kašpárka.ORIG
na čerta. (=She remade the puppet from the jester into the devil)
Possible forms. The argument with the ORIG
functor is defined mainly semantically and it typically occurs in prepositional phrases, which do not change as a consequence of derivation. The Origo argument of verbs, nouns and adjectives is therefore expressed by essentially the same forms. The basic forms of the ORIG
modification are:
prepositional phrase.
The most common forms:
mezi+7 | Uvedl anekdotu o člověku, který musí vyskočit z letadla a může si vybrat mezi výškoměrem a padákem. (=He told us a story about a man who has to jump out of an airplane and has to choose between the altimeter and a parachute) |
na+6 | Některé firmy mohou na novém zaměstnanci vyžadovat také pracovní posudek. (=Some companies may ask new employees to submit also references from their previous employers) |
od+2 | Asi před týdnem jsem dostal dopis od K. Řeháka z Prahy. (=A week ago I got a letter from K.Ř. from Praha) |
po+6 | Firma požaduje po ministerstvu financí, aby by zrušilo veškerá povolení k provozování číselných her Sazky. (=The company is demanding of the Ministry of Finance to cancel all the permissions...) |
ze strany+2 | Ze strany unie je patrná tendence, přijímat několik zemí najednou. (=There is a clear tendency, from the EU, to accept several countries at once) |
dependent clause.
Dependent clauses whose effective root nodes are assigned the ORIG
functor are most often introduced by the relative pronoun co (=what), or a subordinating conjunction, usually in combination with a supporting expression:
co | Bude ovšem nezbytné místní lidi ještě přesvědčit, že na palivo získané z toho, co byli po staletí zvyklí jen jíst, se dá skutečně také jezdit. (=It will be necessary to persuade people that fuel made from the thing they were used to eating for centuries can be used in their cars as well) |
že | Netají se radostí z toho, že sociálnědemokratické Právo lidu po delší pauze opět vychází. (=They are happy that Právo lidu is published again) |
For more on supporting expressions, see Section 5.3, "Supporting expressions".
Border with the DIR1
functor. Semantically, the ORIG
functor is very close to the DIR1
functor (see Section 4.1, "DIR1"). For more on this border see Section, "The borderline between Origo and DIR1
". The DIR1
functor is also very close to the ORIG
functor after verbs of change. For more on this border see Section, "The borderline between the PAT
and EFF
arguments and the DIR1
and DIR3
Border with the HER
functor. Semantically, the ORIG
functor is very close to the HER
functor (see Section 9.3, "HER"). For more on this border see Section 9.3.1, "Borderline cases with the functor HER