5. Menu commands

5.1. File
5.2. Node
5.3. Tree
5.4. View
5.5. Macros
5.6. Setup
5.7. Help

The following paragraphs describe menu commands.

5.1. File

5.1.1. Open ...

Opens an existing file that the user chooses in the Open dialog box.

5.1.2. Open URL ...

Displays a dialog window with an entry into which the user can enter a URL or a filename. TrEd can downloading and open files at least using http, ftp, and file protocols. Network protocols (http and ftp) are read-only. On UNIX systems, TrEd also supports the SSH protocol with URLs of the form ssh://[user@]host/remote-filename.


Since the current implementation of SSH remote file transfer requires several subsequent login sessions each time a remote file is accessed, it is highly recommended that a password-less access (e.g. using Kerberos or SSH keys) is set up before remote files are opened in TrEd using the SSH protocol.

Additionally to the protocols already mentioned, TrEd supports a special protocol indicated by the URL prefix ntred:// used for communication with BTrEd servers. This protocol allows to inspect and change trees stored in memory of BTrEd servers.

5.1.3. Recent

A submenu containing a list of recently open files; selecting a menu entry opens the file in the current view.

5.1.4. Kept in Memory

A submenu containing a list of open files or files that TrEd holds in memory. Selecting a menu entry opens the file in the current view.

5.1.5. File Lists

This submenu gathers all operations available for working with file lists, see Section 12, “Using File Lists”. Select File List ...

Displays a list box where all file lists currently known to TrEd are listed. The user may switch to another file list by choosing the corresponding item. If the file list was not accessed during the session, the first file on the list is opened and displayed. Otherwise, the file last accessed on that list is re-opened and displayed. Next in File List

Opens the next file of the current file list in the current view, if any. Unless displayed in some other view, the active file is closed (the user may be asked to save possible changes). Previous in File List

Opens the previous file of the current file list in the current view, if any. Unless displayed in some other view, the active file is closed (the user may be asked to save possible changes). Go to File List Index

Asks the user to enter a number N and then opens Nth file in the current file list. New File List ...

Create a new empty file list. Files (or node addresses) can be added to the new file list in several ways, e.g. using FileBookmarksAdd Bookmark to File List or FileFile ListsManage File Lists.... Remove File Lists ...

Allows the user to select one or more user-defined file lists and remove them. If the file-list file is located in the .tred.d/filelists/ directory in user's home, this action also physically removes the file-list file on the disk. File lists located elsewhere are kept untouched and TrEd just removes them from its memory and configuration. Manage File Lists ...

Opens a File List dialog window which allows the user to manage lists, e.g. load them, create them, or add new files to them. See more detail in Section 12, “Using File Lists”. Add Files To Default File List

If this option is on, all opened files are added to the file list Default. This allows the user to easily go back and forth recently opened using File+File ListsPrevious in File List and FileNext in File List.


This submenu allows the user to manage bookmarks. Bookmarks are filenames with tree-number and node position attached. The list of user's bookmarks is maintained in a special file list named Bookmarks. Place of Last Action

This opens the file, tree, and exact node where the user made a last modification to the data. This is extra position is stored in TrEd's configuration file and does not appear among bookmarks. Add Bookmark

Creates a new bookmark for the current file, tree, and node by adding an entry to the Bookmarks file list. Add Bookmark to List

Adds the current file, tree, and node address to as a new entry in a file list selected by user. Go to Bookmark

Displays a sub-menu where the user can open any bookmarked address by selecting the corresponding item.

5.1.7. New From Template

Allows the user to create a new empty file based on an pre-defined template. File templates can be provided by extensions. Based on Existing File

Lets the user choose an existing file and creates a new empty file with the same schema or attribute set as the file chosen by user. Based on Current File

Creates a new empty file with the same schema or attribute set as the currently open file. The command does nothing if no file is open.

5.1.8. Close

Closes current file. If the file is modified but not saved, the user is allowed to save it.

5.1.9. Close in Window

Closes the view on the file in the current window. All other views on the file remain untouched. If no other view on the file exists, the file is closed. If the file is modified but not saved, the user is allowed to save it.

5.1.10. Close and Remove From File List

Closes the current file and removes it from the current file list. If the file is modified but not saved, the user is allowed to save it.

5.1.11. Save

Saves the active file to the disk. The previous version of the file on the disk is renamed by appending `~' to the filename (according to the well-known UNIX convention for naming of backup files).

5.1.12. Save As ...

This command first asks the user to choose a desired output format, then opens the standard file dialog where new name and location of the file can be specified, and finally runs the Save command.

5.1.13. Print ...

Opens the Print Dialog. See Section 11, “Printing Trees” for a detailed information.

5.1.14. Quit

Quit TrEd. The the user is allowed to save all open files containing unsaved changes.

5.2. Node

5.2.1. Navigation commands

These commands focus the Next or Previous node in depth-first order, navidate vertically Up Level or Down Level, horizontally among siblings (Left Sibling or Right Sibling), horizontally within the whole level (Left on Level or Right on Level), and along the linear ordering of the tree (Next in Order, Previous in Order, First in Order, Last in Order).

5.2.2. Edit Node Attributes...

Displays the node attribute editor, described in detail in Section 8, “Editing node attributes”.

5.2.3. New Node

Creates a new node and connects it as a child of the active node. Initially, all attributes of the new node are empty.

5.2.4. Remove Active Node

Passes all children of the active node to its parent and deletes the active node. This command is ignored if the active node is the root of the tree.

5.2.5. Make Current Node the Root

Makes the the current node a new root of the current tree and the current root its new child. This operation goes in three steps: first the current subtree (i.e. the current node with all its descendants) is disconnected from the tree. The rest of the tree is then replaced by the subtree (i.e. the current node becomes the new root and the original root and its subtree is not attached to the file). Finally, the original root and its subtree is attached to the tree as the child of the current node.

5.2.6. Find ...

This command displays a dialog box in which the user may specify a search criterion for a node search. The criterion is based on regular expressions, wild-card patterns or literal strings matches for attribute values. In the dialog, every permittable node attribute has an editable entry where the user specifies search criterion for the particular attribute. The user may choose the type of the search criterions to be a regular expressions, exhaustive regular expressions (when the whole value must match), wild-card pattern (where ? matches any character and * matches any number of any characters) or a literal string. The type of the criterion is selected in the Search method option-menu and applies to all entries.

In the Search file list option-menu, the user may choose a file list to search through. By default, this menu displays entry [Current file only], which is a virtual file list containing just the current file.

When user presses Find button, TrEd searches for the first matching node in the selected file list. A node matches the criterion if and only if every attribute of the node matches the criterion in the corresponding entry (empty criterions always match). If a matching node is found, the search stops and the matching node is displayed and made active.

5.2.7. Find Next ...

Finds a next node matching criteria specified in the previous use of the Find ... command.

5.2.8. Find Previous ...

Finds a preceding node matching the criterion specified in a previous use of the Find ... command.

5.3. Tree

This menu gathers commands related to trees.

5.3.1. Previous Tree

View the previous tree in the current file.

5.3.2. Next Tree

View the next tree in the current file.

5.3.3. Go To Tree Number

View the N-th tree in the file (the user is asked to enter the number N).

5.3.4. Insert New Tree

Inserts a new tree before the current tree. The new tree consists of a root node only. Initially, attributes of this node are empty.

5.3.5. Insert New Tree After

Inserts a new tree after the current tree. The new tree consists of a root node only. Initially, attributes of this node are empty.

5.3.6. Remove Whole Current Tree

Removes the current tree from the file and displays the following tree (or the preceding tree, in case the current tree was the last one in the file). The memory representation of the removed tree is destroyed.

5.3.7. Move Current Tree Backward

Swap the current tree and the preceding tree (if any).

5.3.8. Move Current Tree Forward

Swap the current tree and the following tree (if any).

5.3.9. Copy Trees

Displays a dialog allowing user to copy trees from the current file into another file currently opened in TrEd. The trees are selected by a comma separated list of ranges. The format of the list is the same as in the Print dialog.

5.4. View

5.4.1. List of sentences ...

Display a window containing a list of sentences of all trees in a current file. These sentences are computed in the same way as the content of the text line above the tree, e.g. using a get_value_line_hook or the text: stylesheet pattern (see Section 10, “Customizing Tree Appearance: Stylesheets”), or as a concatenation of special attribute values (i.e. attributes declared as @V in the FS format). In the list, buttons right-arrow display the corresponding sentence in the current TrEd view. Buttons gray-belly are used to select sentences. Selected sentences may be later inserted to tree selection fields, e.g. in the Print dialog and in the Copy trees dialog, by pressing the button with an arrow.

All or selected sentences can also be exported as a HTML page. The generated page can optionally contain images of the trees associated with the selected sentences.

5.4.2. Guess Suitable Mode

Runs the guess_context_hook in order to determine and select a suitable annotation mode for the current file. Note that this is done automatically run when a file is opened; this command is useful when the user wants to return to the ``default'' annotation mode.

5.4.3. Select Mode ...

Open a dialog window where the user can select an annotation mode. annotation modes are groups of user defined macro-bindings, usually identified with macro packages. See also Section 15, “User Macros”. The current annotation mode can also be selected from the first list in the top right corner of the main window, but this makes changing annotation modes fully keyboard accessible.

5.4.4. Select Stylesheet ...

Open a dialog window where the user can select a display stylesheet. See Section 10, “Customizing Tree Appearance: Stylesheets”. A stylesheet can also be selected from the second list in the top right corner of the main window, but this menu makes changing stylesheets fully keyboard accessible.

5.4.5. Toggle Minor Modes

Allows the user to enable or disable minor modes.

5.4.6. Orientation

In this menu you can choose between Default, Horizontal, and Vertical orientation of the tree. If Default is selected, then the orientation is selected automatically according to the setting of #{vertical} (which defaults to 0 - horizontal mode) stylesheet instruction. Otherwise horizonal or vertical orientation is forced, disregarding any current stylesheet setting. The default value is controlled by the DisplayMode configuration option.

5.4.7. Close Current View

Closes the focused view if more than one views are present.

5.4.8. Split View Horizontally

Create and focus a new view by splitting the current view horizontally. Sizes of the new and old view may be adjusted by dragging the bar between them. The user may focus a view by clicking into it. Most keyboard shorcuts as well as menu and button commands only apply to the focused view. The focused view is distinguished from other views by black border drawn around it (both color and width of this border may be customized, see HighlightWindowColor and HighlightWindowWidth configuration options described below). Inactive views may be further distiguished using a stipple pattern (see StippleInactiveWindows configuration option).

5.4.9. Split View Vertically

Create and focus a new view by splitting the current view vertically. Sizes of the new and old view may be adjusted by dragging the bar between them. See also little more detailed description of Split view horizontally above.

5.4.10. Focus Next View

If TrEd window is splitinto several views, focus the next view.

5.4.11. Focus Previous View

If TrEd window is splitinto several views, focus the previous view.

5.4.12. Side Panel

Toggle side panel visibility. The side panel is a panel on the left side of TrEd window offering sever useful widgets, that can be turned on or off individually. The widgets include a read-only view of the attributes of the currently selected node, the current file list, a file-system browser and a list of named macros.

5.4.13. List of available macros...

Display a window listing all user-defined menus and keyboard shortcuts (macros) in a selected annotation mode. User may run a macro by double-clicking on a corresponding item in the list, or by pressing the Run and Close button. In the latter case, the window is closed. There are several other buttons in the window. The first button, Include anonymous macros, controls whether macros available only via keyboard shortcut are displayed, the second button, See Perl names, toggles displaying of a column containing raw Perl name of macros, and another two buttons (Sort by name and Sort by keyboard shortcuts) control the order in which macros are listed. Finally, the button Export as HTML creates a handy reference page from the listing in form of a HTML document.

5.5. Macros

This menu allows to run, examine and reload pre-defined annoation macros (see Section 15, “User Macros”).

5.5.1. List of available macros...

Display a window listing all user-defined menus and keyboard shortcuts (macros) in a selected annotation mode. User may run a macro by double-clicking on a corresponding item in the list, or by pressing the Run and Close button. In the latter case, the window is closed. There are several other buttons in the window. The first button, Include anonymous macros, controls whether macros available only via keyboard shortcut are displayed, the second button, See Perl names, toggles displaying of a column containing raw Perl name of macros, and another two buttons (Sort by name and Sort by keyboard shortcuts) control the order in which macros are listed. Finally, the button Export as HTML creates a handy reference page from the listing in form of a HTML document.

5.5.2. Current Mode

This menu shows macros available in the current annotation mode. Any macro can be invoked by selecting the corresponding item.

5.5.3. All Modes

This menu gathers all available macros, and is organized into submenus by annotation modes. Any macro can be invoked by selecting the corresponding item. Note that calling a macro from an annotation mode that was not intended to be used for working of the current type of file can be dangerous!

Here we give only a brief description of the few macros defined by default in the default TredMacro annotation mode in tredlib/tred.mac. Although they are general purpose macros, they should be used wisely, since some of them they allow almost arbitrary (and possibly unintended) modification of the tree structure.


Only a few of built-in commands in TrEd are associated with a keyboard shortcut (other than the standard menu navigation using Alt and the underlined letter). The aim is to give the users maximum freedom of choice of available shortcuts for their own macro commands. Save File (F2)

Provides a keyboard shortcut for the Save command. Save and Go to Previous File (F11)

Save the current file and open the previous file on the current file list. Save and Go to Next File (F12)

Save the current file and open the next file on the current file list. Go to Previous File (Shift+F11)

Close the current file and open the previous file on the current file list. If the current file contains unsaved changes, the user is allowed to save them. Go to Next File (Shift+F12)

Close the current file and open the next file on the current file list. If the current file contains unsaved changes, the user is allowed to save them. Find (F3)

Invoke NodeFind .... Find Next (F4)

Invoke NodeFind Next. Copy Values (F5)

Copies all values of the active node to an internal clipboard. These values may be pasted to any other node using the Paste Values command. Paste Values (F8)

Assignes the active nodes attribute values stored in an internal clipboard during the last call of the Copy Values command. Cut Subtree (Ctrl+Insert)

Cuts off a subtree of the active node and stores it in an iternal clipboard. The cut subtree may be attached later to another node using the Paste Subtree command. Paste Subtree (Shift+Insert)

Ataches a previously cut subtree to the active node. Delete Node (F8)

Deletes active node. The node must be a leaf and must not be the root of the tree, otherwise this command is ignored. Go to first tree (Home or Shift+<)

Displays the first tree in the file. Go to first tree (Shift+Home)

Like Go to first tree, only applies to all views, if lock is pressed. Go to last tree (End or Shift+>)

Displays the last tree in the file. Go to to last tree (tied) (Shift+End)

Like Go to last tree, only applies to all views, if lock is pressed. Go to... (Alt+g)

Promts the user to enter an ordinal number of a tree in the file and displays that tree. Go to...(tied) (Alt+Shift+G)

Promts the user to enter an ordinal number of a tree in the file and displays that tree (depending on the status of the button lock either in the current view only or in all views). New Node (r-brother) (F7)

Creates a new node as a right sibling of the active node (this command is ignored if the active node is the root node). New Node (son) (Shift+F7)

Creates a new child-node of the active node. Perl-Search (Alt+H)

When invoked, a dialog with an editor for a Perl code snippet is displayed. The Perl code entered by user is then evaluated for every node of the tree in their natural ordering starting from the current node. The evaluation stops at first node for which the Perl code returns true (i.e. a defined non-zero value) and this node is activated.

The Perl code conforms to the very same rules as a macro, i.e. in brief, the variables $this and $root refer to the active node and root of the tree respectively. If $n refers to some node, then $n->{attr} is value of attr attribute for the node $n. The parent-node of $n is accessed via $n->parent, child-nodes of $n as $n->childnodes (returns a list), etc. Macros from the current annotation mode may be called as Perl subroutines. See Section 15, “User Macros” for details. Perl-Search Next (Alt+Shift+H)

Searches the next node satisfying the Perl-expression specified in a previous usage of the command Perl-Search. Swap nodes (values only) (Ctrl+PageUp)

Makes the active node exchange its attributes with its parent-node which effectively swaps the two nodes.

5.6. Setup

This menu gathers tasks related to TrEd configuration and setup.

5.6.1. Manage Extensions...

This menu command starts a extension manager in a separate window (Figure 2, “Extension Manager”). The extension manager can be used to enable, disable, or upgrade currently installed extensions, to install new extensions from web repositories and to manage a list of repositories.

Figure 2. Extension Manager


5.6.2. Edit Stylesheet ...

Open a dialog box with a stylesheet editor for the currently selected stylesheet. A styleseet defines which attributes should be displayed and defines the tree's overall appearance. See Section 10, “Customizing Tree Appearance: Stylesheets” for more detail.

5.6.3. Reload Stylesheets ...

Reloads display stylesheets This command is useful if you have changed the stylesheets in a text editor or in an another running instance of TrEd. For more information about stylesheets, see Section 10, “Customizing Tree Appearance: Stylesheets”.

5.6.4. Edit Config File ...

Opens the configuration file in a simple text editor (see Section 13, “Configuration and customization” for the details about configuration options). To apply the new configuration, save the configuration file to disk and leave the editor press the Save and Apply button. To apply changes without saving them, press Apply. The Close button closes the editor without making any changes to the present configuration. A search entry on the bottom of the dialog window can be used for fast case-insensitive searches. While searching, use F3 key to highlight next match.

When editing the configuration file, make sure you only define each configuration option once, since TrEd doesn't give you any warning about duplicated configuration entries. If an option occurs in the configuration file more than once, the latter occurrence has precedence.


Some configuration options even if applied take effect only after restarting TrEd.

5.6.5. Reload Config File ...

Use this command to reload the configuration file from disk and apply the new options. This command is useful if you have changed the configuration file in a text editor or in an another running instance of TrEd. As above, note that some configuration changes still take effect only after restarting TrEd.

5.6.6. Appearance Show Hidden Nodes

Toggle visibility the ``hidden'' nodes and subtrees of the tree. If this item is checked, TrEd displays nodes that would otherwise been hidden. A node can be hidden if the stylesheet specifies a style pattern #{Node-hide:1} for it, or if it belongs to the subtree of a node with value hide or 1 in a special hiding FS-attribute (see FS-format description for details). Stipple Inactive Views

If this item is checked, inactive views are covered with a semi-transparent stipple pattern. This may improve orientation if working with more than one view, but also slightly reduces the clarity of trees displayed in the inactive views. (See also StippleInactiveWindows configuration option). Clear Text Background

If this item is checked, rectangles in the background color are drawn under each individual node label so that text overlapping edges and other graphical elements is legible. (See also ClearTextBackground configuration option). Draw Boxes Around Labels

If this item is checked, square boxes are drawn around groups of node labels.  Draw Boxes Around Edge Labels

If this item is checked, square boxes are drawn around groups of edge attributes. Highlight Attributes

Toggle highlighting certain attributes with user-definable set of colors. See Section 13, “Configuration and customization” for details on customizing colors and FS-format description to learn about how to specify which attributes are highlighted. In general, it is better to avoid this approach of changing tree appearance in favor of stylesheets (see Section 10, “Customizing Tree Appearance: Stylesheets”). Preserve Attributes on Reload

If this option is checked, all changes in the <From File> stylesheet are preserved even if the file is reloaded. Sort Attributes in Dialogs

Toggle sorting attributes by name in all dialog windows displaying any form of a list of attributes. By default, sorting is turned on. If turned off, depending on the format, attributes may be displayed in order of their declaration in the file or schema. When this option is on, sorting of attributes may be further altered by the sort_attrs_hook. Sort Attribute Values in Dialogs

Toggle sorting of attribute values in all dialog windows displaying a choice of attribute values. By default, sorting is turned on. If turned off, depending on the format, values may be displayed in order of their declaration in the file or schema. When this option is on, sorting of attribute value choices may be further altered by the sort_attr_values_hook.

5.6.7. Files in Memory Keep This File in Memory Until Explicitly Closed

If checked, TrEd will keep the current file in memory until the file is explicitly closed by the user using FileClose or a similar command; in particular, the file will be kept in memory even if another file is opened in the last view using the file. Files kept in memory can be accessed in FileKept in Memory. Keep All Files in Memory Until Explicitly Closed

If checked, TrEd will keep all files in memory until they are explicitly closed by the user using FileClose or a similar command; in particular, a file will be kept in memory even if another file is opened in the last view using the file. Files kept in memory can be accessed in FileKept in Memory.

5.7. Help

5.7.1. User's Manual

Displays TrEd documentation (this document) in the default browser.

5.7.2. TrEd Home Page

Displays TrEd internet homepage in the default browser.

5.7.3. Extension Manuals

Displays a submenu where the documentation to installed extensions can be accessed. Unfortunatelly, some extensions come with no documentation.

5.7.4. Library Manuals

Displays a submenu where the documentation to various Perl libraries used by TrEd can be accessed, including the TrEd macro API library (Section 15.8, “Public API: pre-defined macros”).

5.7.5. Command-Line Tools

Displays a submenu where the documentation to TrEd command-line tools (including TrEd command-line options) can be accessed.

5.7.6. Keybindings Examine bindings

Displays a window where the user may safely test keyboard bindings. Every time a keyboard short-cut is pressed in the dialog, TrEd looks up if some macro is associated with the short-cut and displayes the result. No macros acrually executed. Table of Macros in Current Mode

Opens the default web browser with a HTML table of macros and key bindings available in the current annotation mode. The page can be printed out and used as a cheet sheet. Table of Macros in Current Mode + TredMacro

Opens the default web browser with a HTML table of macros and key bindings available in the current annotation mode and the TredMacro annotation mode. The page can be printed out and used as a cheet sheet.

5.7.7. About

Displays the About dialog where the information about version, current file name and format, number of trees, and more is given.

5.7.8. Debugging messages

In this submenu the user may turn on and off various sets of debugging messages printed by TrEd on the standard or error output (e.g. in a terminal window). The following sets of debugging messages are defined: tred (messages produced by TrEd's GUI), macro (messages issued by TrEd when a macro is evaluated), hooks (messages issued by TrEd when a hook is evaluated), keyboard (messages produced by TrEd when a keyboard short-cut is pressed), backend (messages produced by I/O backends), view (messages produced by the displaying engine and errors raised during style-sheet evaluation).