We present Styx the electronic exercise book of Czech morphology and syntax. The exercise book consists of more than 11 thousand Czech sentences which allows you to practice Czech morphology and syntax having the correct analyses at hand:

  1. View all of the available sentences in Charon.
  2. Using Charon, create an exercise, i.e. a list of sentences you want to practice.
  3. Open the exercise in Styx and start practicing.
  4. Check your analyses in Styx.

In addition to Charon and Styx, you can practice morphology and syntax using Čapek.

 To read and to watch

 To download

CONTACT styx@ufal.mff.cuni.cz

The STYX system was partially developed within the project "An exercise book of Czech based on the Prague Dependency Treebank" No. GAUK 207-10/257559 financed by the Grant Agency of the Charles University.