11.2. Intervals

Intervals are constructions delimiting the boundaries (span, interval) of a temporal, spatial, numerical segment (range) but also other kinds of intervals. For example:

od dvou do pěti let (=from two to five years)

od zeleniny po drogerii (=from greengrocer's to drugstores)

Intervals are analyzed in two different ways:

11.2.1. Temporal intervals analyzed by means of temporal functors

The following constructions are analyzed by means of temporal functors (esp. TSIN and TTILL, but also TWHEN; see Section 3, "Temporal functors") and subfunctors (see Section 13.1, "Subfunctors"):

  • constructions with the meaning: "from - to".


    Sněžilo od Vánoc.TSIN do Velikonoc.TTILL (=It snowed from Christmas to Easter) Fig. 8.203

    Konalo se to od 9.TSIN do 10 hodin.TTILL (=It took place from 9 until 10 o'clock) Fig. 8.204

    Výsledky byly stále stejné, počínaje 5. červnem.TSIN do 10. června.TTILL (=The results were the same starting on 5 june and ending on 10 June) Fig. 8.205

    Pracoval od rána.TSIN po tu chvíli.TTILL (=He worked since the morning until that moment)

    Pracoval na tom od 5. { června.TSIN} do 10. června.TTILL (=He worked on that from 5 June until 10 June)

  • constructions with the meaning "in the time between".


    Konalo se to mezi 5. { červnem.TWHEN [subfunctor=betw]} a 10. červnem.TWHEN [subfunctor=betw] (=It took place between 5 June and 10 June) Fig. 8.206

    Stalo se to mezi pondělkem.TWHEN [subfunctor=betw] a středou.TWHEN [subfunctor=betw] (=It happened between Monday and Wednesday)

Figure 8.203. Temporal intervals analyzed by means of temporal functors

Temporal intervals analyzed by means of temporal functors

Sněžilo od Vánoc až do Velikonoc. (=lit. (It) snowed from Christmas as_long_as to Easter)

Figure 8.204. Temporal intervals analyzed by means of temporal functors

Temporal intervals analyzed by means of temporal functors

Konalo se to od 9 až do 10 hodin. (=lit. Took_place REFL it from 9 as_long_as to 10 o'clock)

Figure 8.205. Temporal intervals analyzed by means of temporal functors

Temporal intervals analyzed by means of temporal functors

Výsledky byly stále stejné, počínaje 5. červnem až do 10. června. (=lit. Results were still same, starting 5 June as_long_as to 10 June)

Figure 8.206. Temporal intervals analyzed by means of temporal functors

Temporal intervals analyzed by means of temporal functors

Konalo se to mezi 5. a 10. červnem. (=lit. Took_place REFL it between 5 and 10 June)

11.2.2. Spatial intervals analyzed by means of locative/directional functors

The following constructions are analyzed by means of appropriate locative/directional functors (esp. DIR1 and DI3, but also DIR2 and LOC; see Section 4, "Locative and directional functors") and subfunctors (see Section 13.1, "Subfunctors"):

  • constructions with the meaning "where from - which way - where to".


    Znám to od Aše.DIR1 přes Prahu.DIR2 po Brno.DIR3 (=lit. (I) know it from Aš through Praha to Brno) Fig. 8.207

    Cesta vedla od Aše.DIR1 přes Prahu.DIR2 do Brna.DIR3 (=The journey went from Aš through/via Praha to Brno)

  • constructions with the meaning "in the area between".


    Dálnice vede mezi Prahou.LOC [subfunctor=betw] a Brnem.LOC [subfunctor=betw] (=The highway goes between Praha and Brno) Fig. 8.208

Figure 8.207. Spatial intervals analyzed by means of locative/directional functors

Spatial intervals analyzed by means of locative/directional functors

Znám to od Aše přes Prahu až po Brno. (=lit. (I) know it from Aš via Praha as_far_as to Brno)

Figure 8.208. Spatial intervals analyzed by means of locative/directional functors

Spatial intervals analyzed by means of locative/directional functors

Dálnice vede mezi Prahou a Brnem. (=lit. Highway leads between Praha and Brno)

11.2.3. Intervals analyzed as a paratactic structure

Temporal and spatial intervals that cannot be analyzed by means of appropriate temporal and locative/directional functors - because the interval meaning would be lost - and all other constructions with the interval meaning (with no temporal or spatial meaning) are represented as paratactic structures with the OPER functor assigned to the root of the structure. The root of such a paratactic structure is the node representing the given operator (for more on operators, see Section 16.2, "Operators").

The nodes representing the expressions delimiting the interval (i.e.the operands) are the terminal members of the paratactic structure. The value of their is_member attribute is 1. Nodes that are neither operands of a mathematical operation nor delimit an interval are assigned the 0 value in their is_member attribute (see also Table 6.3, "Values of the is_member attribute").

The functors of the operands correspond to the position of the interval in the given sentence and they usually have the same values.

The following types of constructions are analyzed as having the "interval" meaning (i.e. these are represented by paratactic structures):

  • temporal intervals that cannot be analyzed by means of temporal functors without losing the interval interpretation.

    Such temporal intervals are mostly expressed by means of a dash or .


    V období 1995 až 1999 jsem studoval na gymnáziu. (=In the period 1995 to 1999 I studied at high school) Fig. 8.209

    Konalo se to 4. - 9. června. (=It took part 4 - 9 June)

    zprávy (pondělí - pátek) (=news (Monday - Friday))

  • spatial intervals that cannot be analyzed by means of locative/directional functors without losing the interval interpretation.

    These spatial intervals are mostly expressed by means of a dash or .


    Na trase Praha - Brno došlo k nehodě. (=There was an accident on the route Praha - Brno) Fig. 8.210

    Brno až Praha (=Brno - Praha)

  • quantitative intervals.


    trest od tří do pěti let (=sentence from three to five years) Fig. 8.211

    Nájem se o dvě, tři stovky zvýší. (=The rent will go up by two, three thousand) Fig. 8.212

    Přijedou na čtyři, pět, šest dní. (=They are coming for four, five, six weeks)

    Přinesl 5 až 10 knih. (=He brought (from) five to ten books)

    Přišlo tam 100 až 200 členů. (100 - 200 members came there)

    od 10 do 20 žáků (=from 10 to 20 pupils)

    mezi 10 a 20 žáky (=between 10 and 20 pupils)

    10 - 20 žáků (=10 - 20 pupils)

    vklad na čtrnáct dnů až jeden rok (=lit. deposit for fourteen days up_to one year)

  • intervals with the meaning of a "scale".


    Sledovali to všichni, od dětí přes mládež až po dospělé. (=Everybody watched it, from children and youth to adults) Fig. 8.213

    od hlavních bodů do nejmenších detailů (=from the main points to the tiniest details)

    od hlavních bodů přes příklady do nejmenších detailů (=from the main points to the examples and tiniest details)

    od hlavních bodů po nejmenší detaily (=from the main points to the tiniest details)

    Mimoevropskou rytmiku najdeme v řadě skladeb počínaje úvodním Come talk to me přes Love to be loved až po závěrečný Secret word. (=Non-European rhythms can be found in a number of pieces, from Come talk to me to Love to be loved and the final Secret word)

  • list of items in which the order is relevant.


    Firmy byly vybrány v pořadí: Metrostav, Konstruktiva a Telecom. (=The companies were chosen in the following order: Metrostav, Konstruktiva and Telecom) Fig. 8.214

Figure 8.209. Intervals analyzed as a paratactic structure (OPER)

Intervals analyzed as a paratactic structure (OPER)

V období 1995 až 1999 jsem studoval na gymnáziu. (=lit. In period 1995 to 1999 (I) AUX studied at high-school)

Figure 8.210. Intervals analyzed as a paratactic structure (OPER)

Intervals analyzed as a paratactic structure (OPER)

Na trase Praha - Brno došlo k nehodě. (=lit. On route Praha - Brno happened - accident)

Figure 8.211. Intervals analyzed as a paratactic structure (OPER)

Intervals analyzed as a paratactic structure (OPER)

trest od tří do pěti let (=lit. sentence from three to five years)

Figure 8.212. Intervals analyzed as a paratactic structure (OPER)

Intervals analyzed as a paratactic structure (OPER)

Nájem se o dvě, tři stovky zvýší. (=lit. Rent REFL by two, three hundred rises)

Figure 8.213. Intervals analyzed as a paratactic structure (OPER)

Intervals analyzed as a paratactic structure (OPER)

Sledovali to všichni, od dětí přes mládež až po dospělé. (=lit. Watched it everybody, from children through youth - to adults)

Figure 8.214. Intervals analyzed as a paratactic structure (OPER)

Intervals analyzed as a paratactic structure (OPER)

Firmy byly vybrány v pořadí: Metrostav, Konstruktiva a Telecom. (=lit. Firms were chosen in order: M., K. and T.)