7.4. PREC

Definition of the PREC functor

The PREC functor (reference to preceding text) is a functor for such an atomic node that represents an expression linking the clause to the preceding context.

Forms. The basic forms of the linking expressions are:

NB! Nodes with the PREC functor are represented as nodes dependent on the effective root node of the clause which they link to the preceding context. If there is only the linking expression present at the surface structure (an unfinished clause) we interpret such structure as a verbal clause (see also Section 4.1, "Verbal clauses"). Example:

Ale .PREC ... {#EmpVerb.PRED} (=But...)

Figure 7.45. The PREC functor

The PREC functor

A to není pravda. (=lit. And that is_not true.)

7.4.1. Borderline cases with the PREC functor

Borders with other functors (particularly CAUS, MANN, CNCS). It is not clear whether we should consider the adverbial expressions proto (=therefore), přesto (=in_spite_of), tak (=so) etc. just linking elements (PREC) or whether we should take into consideration rather their secondary meanings (reason, concession, manner) and assign the functors CAUS, CNCS, MANN etc. to the nodes that represent these adverbial expressions. Cf.:

  • Většina účastníků musí odejít před pátou. (=lit. Most participants must leave before five.) Proto skončíme dříve. (=lit. Therefore (we) will_finish earlier.)

!!! The borders with these adverbial expressions were not defined very clearly , the choice of the functor is a matter of the anotator's consideration.