4.1. Verbal clauses

Non-verbal clauses are explicitly defined (see Section 4.2, "Non-verbal clauses"). All other clauses are considered verbal.

The effective root node of a verbal clause is a node representing the governing predicate (which is usually a verb) of the clause. If there is no such verb expressed in the surface structure of the sentence, nor is the verb ellided (i.e. the node for the verb cannot be copied) and no punctuation mark can be considered the governing predicate either (see below), the effective root node of the verbal clause is represented by a newly established node with the t-lemma #EmpVerb (see also Section 12.1.1, "Ellipsis of the governing verb").

The effective root node of an independent verbal clause has the functor PRED (see also Section 1.1, "PRED"). If the independent verbal clause is a parenthesis, its effective root node has the functor PAR (see Section 1.5, "PAR"). The effective root nodes of dependent verbal clauses are assigned functors decribing their dependency relations w.r.t. their governing nodes.

The effective root node of a verbal clause (the predicate) can be a node representing:

For more on ellipsis of the main verb, see Section 12.1.1, "Ellipsis of the governing verb".

Fragmentation. Also those cases are considered verbal clauses (usually with an ellided verb) in which a modification having morphological characteristics of a dependent expression is left behind, i.e. is separated from the rest of the clause. If the governing node of the separated expression is a node corresponding to the syntactic nominative, the separated expression is represented as a non-verbal - nominative - clause (see Section 4.2, "Non-verbal clauses"). Cf.:

!!! Cases of fragmentation are not marked in any special way in PDT.

Figure 6.21. Verbal clause

Verbal clause

Kam jít? (=lit. Where to_go?)

Figure 6.22. Verbal clause

Verbal clause

Ale proč o tom uvažovat! (=lit. But why about it to_think!)

Figure 6.23. Verbal clause

Verbal clause

Sparta poražena! (=lit. Sparta defeated!)

Figure 6.24. Verbal clause

Verbal clause

Doprava: vlastní. (=lit. Transportation: own)

Figure 6.25. Verbal clause

Verbal clause

Nač ten spěch? (=lit. Why the hurry?)

Figure 6.26. Verbal clause

Verbal clause

V Praze, v pět hodin. (=lit. In Praha, at five o'clock)

Figure 6.27. Verbal clause

Verbal clause

Jenže... (=But...)