5.8. The degcmp grammateme (degree)

The basic values of the degcmp grammateme are represented in Table 5.9, "Values of the degcmp grammateme".

Table 5.9. Values of the degcmp grammateme








elative (absolute comparative)

The degcmp grammateme is a tectogrammatical correlate of the (adjectival/adverbial) category of degree.

The grammateme is relevant for:

  1. denominating semantic adjectives (sempos = adj.denot; see Section 6.2.1, "Denominating semantic adjectives"),

  2. gradable denominating semantic adverbs that cannot be negated (sempos = adv.denot.grad.nneg; see Section 6.3.3, "Gradable denominating semantic adverbs that cannot be negated"),

  3. gradable denominating semantic adverbs that can be negated (sempos = adv.denot.grad.neg; see Section 6.3.4, "Gradable denominating semantic adverbs that can be negated").

All non-comparative/non-superlative forms of semantic adjectives have the pos value in the grammateme. The values comp and sup usually correspond to morphological comparatives and superlatives.

As for the adverbs (the subgroups b and c), the grammateme value also usually corresponds to the value of the morphological category.


příjemnější hudba[degcmp=comp] (=nicer music)

nejlépe strávený večer[degcmp=sup] (=an evening spent in the best way)

The acomp value. A special value of the degree grammateme, which does not have a correlate in the morphological degree, is the value acomp. It is assigned to nodes representing the so called absolute comparative (elative), i.e. a frozen comparative form not expressing comparison. The acomp value was assigned to nodes representing adjectives e.g. in the following cases:

muž tmavší pleti [degcmp=acomp] (=a man of darker skin)

starší žena [degcmp=acomp] (=an elder(ly) woman)

When it is not possible to decide whether the comparative is the absolute or the common one, both values are assigned.