5.1. The number grammateme

The basic values of the number attribute are to be found in Table 5.2, "Values of the number grammateme".

Table 5.2. Values of the number grammateme





The number grammateme is a tectogrammatical correlate of the morphological category of number. It is assigned to:

With most semantic nouns, the value of the number grammateme corresponds to the value of the morphological number category; e.g.:

pes [number=sg] (=dog)

psi [number=pl] (=dogs)

Ti už nepřijdou. [number=pl] (=Those will not come any more)

The values are different in the cases of:

The number grammateme of definite quantificational semantic nouns. The number grammateme of definite quantificational semantic nouns constitutes a specific issue. As for the cardinal numerals jeden (=one) through devětadevadesát (=ninety-nine), the value of their number grammateme follows from the lexical meaning of the semantic noun. For example:

Přišla jen jedna. [number=sg] (=lit. Came.sg.f only one)

Přišli dva. [number=pl] (=lit. Came.pl.m.anim two)

As for the numerals with the "container" meaning, i.e. the numerals sto, tisíc, milion (=hundred, thousand, million) etc., and fraction numerals, the number grammateme corresponds to the value of the morphological category. For example:

Přišlo sto studentů. [number=sg] (=One hundred students came)

Přišlo dvě stě studentů. [number=pl] (=Two hundred students came)

For more details, see Section 6.1.5, "Definite quantificational semantic nouns".