4. List structure root nodes

nodetype = list

List structure root nodes are nodes assigned the t-lemmas #Idph or #Forn.

The function of these nodes is to assemble separate nodes into a list (structure) . List structure root nodes are nodes that have no counterpart in the surface structure of a sentence; such a node is added into the structure at the tectogrammatical level and is assigned a functor expressing the function of the dependent nodes (as a whole) in a given sentence.

Nodes with the #Idph t-lemma are the roots of structures that have the function of a title (of a book etc.). For more details see Section 8.1.3, "Identification structure".

Nodes with the #Forn t-lemma assemble (separate) members of a foreign-language expression into a list structure. Individual nodes of a foreign-language expression are sisters with respect to each other, they are assigned the FPHR functor (nodetype=fphr; see Section 5, "Nodes representing foreign-language expressions") and their order corresponds to the surface word order (for more details see Section 9, "Foreign-language expressions"). In this respect, the nodes with the #Forn t-lemma differ from the nodes with the #Idph t-lemma: the dependent nodes of the latter form a tree structure.

List structure root nodes have a t-lemma, functor and other attributes. List structure root nodes have no grammatemes.

There are two possible types of nodes dependent on list structure root nodes: